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Dr. Evelyn Maeder (She/Her)

Headshot of Evelyn Maeder

Associate Dean and Director of Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs

  • Ph.D. (Psychology), University of Nebraska-Lincoln; M.L.S. (Master’s of Legal Studies), University of Nebraska Lincoln College of Law; M.A. (Psychology), University of Nebraska-Lincoln; B.A.Hon. (Psychology), University of Regina
  • 391 Loeb Building, Carleton University
  • 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
  • 613-520-2600 ext 2609

Evelyn Maeder joined Carleton University as a faculty member in 2008. She is a Professor in the Department of Law and Legal Studies with cross-appointments to the Department of Psychology and the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice (ICCJ). Dr. Maeder served as the Director of the ICCJ for five years.

Dr. Maeder’s scholarship explores social psychological principles in the criminal legal system. Her research projects include investigating jury racial composition on deliberations and decisions in trials involving racialized accused, examining the efficacy of jury instructions, identifying sources of bias in NCRMD (Not Criminally Responsible on account of Mental Disorder) trials, and determining the reasons that people punish. With training in law and psychology, her work scrutinizes the interplay of systemic and individual factors in perpetuating discrimination in the legal system.

Dr. Maeder is the director of the Legal Decision-Making Lab at Carleton, and is a member of the Data Justice Lab. Her work has been funded by SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), APLS (American Psychology-Law Society), and CBA (Canadian Bar Association). She is an Associate Editor for the journal of Psychology, Crime, and Law; chairs the Diversity Research Award subcommittee for the Broadening Representation, Inclusion, Diversity, and Global Equity (BRIDGE) committee of APLS; and is the current co-chair of the Black, Indigenous, and Racialized (BIR) Psychology Web.

Dr. Maeder received her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and her Master’s of Legal Studies from the University of Nebraska College of Law.