Where can I learn about graduate student activities at Carleton and the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs?

Current Grad Students

From teaching assistantship brown bags to workshops on completing SSHRC applications, Carleton provides tools and guidance from individuals with years of experience who can help you achieve your highest goals.

At the graduate level, how you build your program is essentially up to you — the areas you wish to focus on, the topic of your dissertation or research essay, and often which components you choose to complete the requirements for the degree. To make the most of your graduate education, seek out your advisors as often as you can. They can link you up with potential employers, colleagues with you share research interests.

You also have peer support. Your fellow students are a great resource to you: share your ideas and your concerns with them while relaxing at Mike’s Place. Though you may be a long way from home, you’re not alone.

There are resources outside of the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs as well. The Graduate Students Association (GSA) serves as an advocate for graduate student issues; CUPE 4600 serves as the local bargaining unit for teaching assistants and sessionals; the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs can help you with registration and funding issues.