About FYSM 1700

This course provides students with an introduction to public affairs work and working life, and an opportunity to maximise their learning from university courses and programs of study to connect to a career in public affairs. In particular, students will develop and acquire a range of skills to manage their life-long learning and development. Students will be introduced to accessing and making use of sources of information and advice, plans and decisions, and learn how to follow them through. This will support their academic and career learning and successful progression in their undergraduate program within the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs. Through active learning, exploration of public affairs work through real-world case studies, and development of a cuPortfolio in which they identify their career interests, students will gain useful insights into work and working life, business and industry, volunteering, and the rights and responsibilities of workers.

“FYSM 1700 is one of the best classes I’ve taken my two years here at Carleton. The course helped me learn so many different learning strategies that actually benefit me now in the courses that I am taking. As an organized person already, this class has helped me develop techniques of how to organize myself with school in different ways. There are so many different ways of learning and what may work for one person may not work for you. But this course gives you so much ability to learn about yourself that is honestly helpful in the long run.”

Parmjit Lamb

Course Information

Open to all FPA students (BGInS, Communication and Media Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Economics, EURUS, Journalism, Law and Legal Studies, Media Production and Design, Political Science, Public Affairs and Policy Management, and Social Work).

Term: Fall 2021 (Sec. A) and Winter 2022 (Sec. B)

Pre-requisite: 1st year standing.

Instructor: Lorraine Godden, PhD, FHEA Instructor II, Career Development and Employability

For information: lorraine.godden@carleton.ca.

Download the course info sheet