This profile was part of the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs’ Generation FPA series, which highlighted up and coming alumni who graduated between 2008-2018. The series was published in 2018.

Graeme Ivory is the Director of Communication and Content for the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group. He manages communications for three Ottawa sports teams: the Ottawa Fury FC soccer team, the Ottawa 67’s Junior A hockey team and the Ottawa REDBLACKS CFL team.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Growing up, I always had a soccer ball at my feet—soccer was my first love. I also knew I wanted to work in sports, either as a broadcaster or journalist. After going to the World Cup in Germany in 2006, it reaffirmed my desire to pursue a career in soccer, but I thought that would be a pipe dream in Canada.

Somehow, you managed to get your first job with an Ottawa soccer team, the Fury. How did you do it?

I started as an intern. They only had two full-time staff and they were happy to throw me in the deep end and see if I could swim. They kept throwing things my way and I did my best to make myself irreplaceable—always ensuring I put my own stamp on things. When the yearlong internship ended, they asked me to continue.

Now, you’re doing communications for three teams simultaneously. That sounds like a busy schedule.

In our company, everyone works for all three teams. It is an experience that few sports organizations can offer that comes with both challenges and opportunities. The craziest period begins in mid-August when the 67’s training camp begins and we have all three sports going. One of the biggest challenges is trying to be forward thinking and planning for next year—before it’s already next year.

How has your communications degree helped you along the way?

If I could write a description of the ideal university experience, it would be my fourth year. A group of us were partnered with a local nonprofit and we created a communications plan for them. We did everything: we met with the client to understand the scope of what they did, their industry and what they were looking for; did research; considered what worked and what didn’t. The final product was not just a project we were graded on, but something that the client used in part. It also provided me with experiences and skillsets that I rely on every day.

What advice do you have for current students?

My internship was the most valuable experience I could have gained. But you only get out of it what you put into it. A lot of students come and go, but others turn it into a job. No employer owes you anything, so you have to make it for yourself.

Any future plans?

I got a certificate in sports management from a local college after my bachelor’s degree and I’d eventually like to get into the business operation side—especially in soccer.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 in , ,
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