By Mary Giles
After completing his LLB and LLM at the University of Dhaka and teaching at two law schools in Bangladesh, Mohammad Hasan came to Carleton University to complete the MA program in legal studies. He is returning again to the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs as a faculty member after earning his PhD in law from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University.
“My PhD research focused on the interests of Indigenous peoples in the environmental decision-making process in resource development projects and how Indigenous peoples and other disadvantaged communities in the global South react in a mining conflict situation,” he says.
“Taking an open-pit coal project in Bangladesh, which was being developed by a transnational corporation and stopped by a subsequent social movement in protesting the corporation’s activity, my research also explored the various dynamics of corporation’s corrupt actions both in the home-state (England) and host-state (Bangladesh).”
Hasan also has experience in policy research from working with the Centre for International Governance Innovation as part of a three-year International Law Research Program doctoral fellowship.
Hasan says, “As a Carleton alumnus, I was already in ‘returning home’ state of mind before deciding to join the Faculty this year. I am very excited to be a part of the University again. I feel very comfortable working with professors and staff because I already know the friendly environment here.”
Currently, Hasan is teaching undergraduate courses in persons in law and concepts of property, regulation of corporate crime and international regulation of trade.
Hasan is now turning his research focus to toxic colonialism and environmental racism and the state’s responsibility to regulate corporations. He is a social activist and advocate for the rights of Indigenous peoples and racial and ethnic minorities.
In his spare time he enjoys photography, especially while trekking in the mountains on his travels.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 in Faculty, FPA Voices
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