Eva-Lena Lindstrom
Eva-Lena is a registered clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and specialist within the field of adult treatment and trauma. Eva-Lena has over 15 years of clinical experience ranging from Maternal child healthcare, Primary health care, Child and adolescent psychiatry and Adult psychiatry, with both urban and rural work experience. Working in northern Sweden in Adult psychiatry in a rural area sparked an interest in finding out more about how the community is best served by having a psychologist stationed there. Eva-Lena is currently as a Free Range scholar working part time in collaboration with the Centre for rural medicine in Storuman, Sweden on research towards a framework for “rural psychology” in Sweden and working part time clinically within Primary health care in a rural area in mid Sweden. Rural psychology is as of yet an uncharted field in Sweden. The aim is to build on the knowledge from other countries like Australia, Canada and Scotland to create a structure to educate and find support systems for psychologists working rurally in Sweden.