Google map Carleton UniversityKathryn Greenan, a third year honours History student with an interest in Environmental History, has been selected to be the fourth Graham Digital History Undergraduate Research Fellow. The Fellowship allows a student to pursue their own digital history research with members of the department, with a $750 stipend to help them along.

Kathryn, who learned digital skills in HIST 3812: Digital History and HIST 3907B: Data Mining and Visualization, developed a keen interest in the environmental history of Carleton University as a result of participating in Joanna Dean’s course, HIST 2310A. As part of her work as a Fellow, Kathryn will be working with digital historian Shawn Graham to develop an augmented reality application that brings the user through time as they traverse the Carleton campus, exploring the ways the landscape has shaped our community. Kathryn’s research can be followed at