Photo of Sabrina Schoch

Sabrina Schoch

Candidate, M.A. Public History

Degrees:M.A. History (University of British Columbia)

Current Program (including year of entry): MA Public History (2018)


Dr. Jennifer Evans

Dr. Shawn Graham

Academic Interests:

Women and Gender, 20th Century Germany, European History, Medieval and Early Modern History

Select Publications and Current Projects:

Florence Nightingale: A Comparison to Qatar’s Muslim Nurses

2014 Publication Workshop for Emerging Scholars

Robert O’Kell: The History of Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada

Teaching Experience:

Social History of Sexuality (J. Evans), Fall 2018

20th Century Europe (J. Evans), Winter 2019

Description of Research:

My research addresses the neglect of female sexualities in Holocaust studies. Past research has focused on transgressive sexualities during the Second World War, however the predominant element has been male sexuality. A more comprehensive look at the female war experience is necessary, especially one that examines lesbianism in Nazi ghettos and internment camps. The segregation of and violence against Jews is a prime example of systemic abuses of power in the form of sexual supremacy that transcends time and geography. How this was experienced by women and shaped women’s intimacies in confinement, is an essential if underanalyzed part of this history.