Program Requirements: BA Honours in History with Concentration in Public History

A complete description of this program and the requirements is available in the undergraduate calendar.  Students should always confirm that they are following the proper academic requirements as outlined in the calendar.

History with Concentration in Public History
B.A. Honours (20.0 credits) – List of Approved Electives

Approved Electives (for Public History Concentration Requirement #10)
ANTH 2020 [0.5] Race and Ethnicity
ANTH 2500 [0.5] Culture and Symbols
ANTH 2550 [0.5] Religion and Society
ARCH 2006 [0.5] Theory and History of Design
ARTH 2003 [0.5] Canadian Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Art
ARTH 2005 [0.5] Arts of the First Peoples: The Woodlands, the Plains and the Subarctic
ARTH 2006 [0.5] Arts of the First Peoples: The Southwest, the West Coast and the Arctic
ARTH 2008 [0.5] Inuit Art
ARTH 2601 [0.5] History and Theory of Photography
ARTH 3400 [0.5] History of Printmaking
ARTH 3705 [0.5] Selected Museum Exhibition
CDNS 1101 [0.5] Ottawa: Exploring National Institutions
CDNS 2210 [0.5] Introduction to the Study of Canadian Culture
CDNS 2400 [0.5] Heritage Conservation in Canada
CDNS 3600 [0.5] Cultural Politics and Identities in Canada
CDNS 3700 [0.5] Cultural Traditions in Canada
ENGL 2400 [0.5] Introduction to Digital Humanities
ENGL 2401 [0.5] Digital Humanities: Theory and Method
FILM 2106 [0.5] The Documentary
FILM 3105 [0.5] Questions of Documentary Practice: Theoretical Implications of Documentary Film and Documentary Television Practice
INDG 1011 [0.5] Introduction to Indigenous-Settler Encounters
INDG 2012 [0.5] Anishinaabe Studies
INDG 2015 [0.5] Indigenous Ecological Ways of Knowing
INDG 3015 [0.5] Indigenous Ecological Ways of Knowing and the Academy
INDG 4011 [0.5] Indigenous Representations

Students are welcome to consult the Public History Coordinator, Prof. James Opp, with requests to consider other courses that could potentially meet the requirements of the public history approved electives section.