Payment Requisition Status
On the Grad RA Payment System Launch Page, you will be able to view any payment requisitions that require your attention and check the status of any requisition that you have submitted. The requisition status includes the following options:
- All – View all requisitions (recommended)
- Saved – not yet been submitted for approval
- My Pending – requires approval before they can proceed
- In Progress – outstanding job requisition
- Cancelled – you cannot restart a cancelled requisition
- Return for Correction – submitter must make changes
- Financial Approval Completed – Department Head/Grant Holder and Research Accounting approved payment. Awaiting student sign-off
- Loaded to SAR. A Type A requisition has been approved by all financial approvers and has been sent to Student Accounts Receivable (SAR) to load to the student’s account.
- Complete – employee accepted job.
- Processed by Payroll – payment loaded into Payroll System. Further changes must be submitted to Payroll Services.
Any jobs that are pending approval will appear in a list on the Launch Page. Once you have submitted your requisition, it is pending the next approver.
If you need to make any changes, you can ‘return for correction’ at any time before payroll or SAR has processed the requisition (status ‘Processed by Payroll’ or ‘Loaded to SAR’). After that point you will need to contact them either SAR or Payroll Services for assistance.