The Institute of Cognitive Science would like to thank all of the people below as we (a huge team effort) managed to raise $8148.05 for our 2019 Cognitive Science United Way Fundraiser dvd, cd and videogame sale.

The $8148.05 is $1467.20 more than our total raised for 2018 and now gives us a 4 year total donation to the United Way of $21,892.70.

These are all the people who made it happen:

• The army of volunteers who schlepped boxes on carts both Monday and Tues to and from VSIM, Dunton Tower and The Unicentre in the early morning, afternoon and late evening
• The army of volunteers who worked an hour or two or three or more at the actual sale on Tuesday, Nov. 5th
• The handful of volunteers who picked up and retrieved the large signs on easels placing them in 12 different campus buildings the day of the sale
• The Cognitive Science Admin staff who prepped the signs above for the sale
• The CU departments that lent us about 15 carts to load all the boxes of sale items on
• The CU United Way organizers who arranged the banners, stickers, aprons and posters for us to use
• FMP who kindly donated (without charge) 15 tables for us to use at the sale yesterday
• All the people who donated and continue to donated items
• All the people who bought the items and continue to buy them

Again; it was truly a team effort and we are so happy to turn over to the United Way the entire $8148.05.