Carleton University’s Exchange Partners

A list of Carleton’s exchange partners, in alphabetical order by country, is available below. This list is updated regularly as partner information changes or new partners are added. The ISSO reserves the right to update the information contained on this page without notice.

We encourage students to review their possible destinations and select a location where they’ll feel comfortable and get the most out of their exchange experience.


Language of Instruction – The availability of courses in a certain language may vary depending on the program of interest and study term. Students are responsible for researching the language of instruction as it applies to the specific courses they are interested in pursuing.

Program of Study – Please refer to the list below to determine if the exchange partnership you are interested in is available to students in your degree program and at your level of study. Be sure to research the institution to determine if they offer courses that fit your program requirements. The ISSO does not offer academic advising.

Academic Year – The academic year can vary by country. All applicants must research the start and end date of their preferred partner institutions to ensure it fits with their academic and personal plans.

In order by country: A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z



Institution Location Language of Instruction Open to Level of Study
Universidad de San Andrés Buenos Aires Spanish All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction Open to Level of Study
Edith Cowan University Perth English All Faculties Undergraduate
Flinders University Adelaide English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate
La Trobe University Melbourne English All Faculties Undergraduate
Macquarie University Sydney English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate
University of South Australia Adelaide English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to
Level of Study
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna English Faculty of Science Graduate
Universität fur Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz Graz German, English Department of Musicology Undergraduate and Graduate
University of Vienna Vienna German, English All Faculties, except Engineering and Design Undergraduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction Open to Level of Study
University of West Indies – Cave Hill Bridgetown English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to
Level of Study
Solvay Brussels School Brussels French, English Sprott Undergraduate
Université Catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve French, English Communication and Media Studies Graduate
Université Libre de Bruxelles Brussels French Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences; Public and Global Affairs Undergraduate and Graduate
Vesalius College Brussels English All Faculties Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction Open to Level of Study
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) Campinas Portuguese All Faculties Undergraduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to
Level of Study
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso Valparaiso Spanish All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Viña del Mar or Santiago Spanish, English All Faculties Undergraduate
Universidad de Chile Santiago Spanish, English Sprott Undergraduate
Universidad de los Andes Santiago Spanish, English Sprott Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to
Level of Study
Renmin University of China Beijing English Sprott Undergraduate
Shanghai International Studies University Shanghai English Sprott Undergraduate
Shantou University Shantou City Mandarin, English All Faculties, except Engineering and Design Undergraduate
University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) Beijing English All Faculties Undergraduate


Location Language of Instruction Open to Level of Study
Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración (CESA) Bogota Spanish, English All Faculties Undergraduate
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota Spanish All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to
Level of Study
Danish School of Media and Journalism Aarhus English Journalism and Communication Undergraduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to
Level of Study
Tampere University Tampere Finnish, English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to
Level of Study
Burgundy School of Business Dijon French, English Sprott Undergraduate
École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Malaquais Paris French Architecture Undergraduate
Emlyon Business School Lyon English Sprott Undergraduate
Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier Business School Montpellier French, English International Business Undergraduate
ICN Business School Nancy and Paris French, English Sprott Undergraduate and Graduate
Institut Libre d’Étude des Relations Internationales (ILERI) Paris French, English BGInS Undergraduate
NEOMA Business School Paris, Reims, and Rouen French, English Sprott Undergraduate (Paris, Reims and Rouen) and Graduate (Reims and Rouen)
Rennes School of Business Rennes English Sprott Undergraduate and Graduate
Sciences Po Paris, Reims French, English All Faculties, except Engineering and Design Undergraduate (Reims) and Graduate (Paris)
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour Pau French, English (select study area) All Faculties Undergraduate
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 Lyon French, English Sprott Undergraduate
Université Paris Dauphine Paris French, English Sprott; Faculty of Public and Global Affairs Undergraduate
Université Rennes 2
Rennes French, English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate
Université Savoie Mont Blanc
Chambery French, English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Ilia State University Tbilisi Georgian, English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Berlin School of Economics and Law Berlin German, English Sprott Undergraduate
Freie Universität Berlin Berlin German, English All Faculties Undergraduate
ICN Business School Berlin French, English Sprott Undergraduate and Graduate
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München  Munich German, English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate
Technische Universität Berlin Berlin German, English Faculty of Public and Global Affairs Undergraduate and Graduate
Universität Augsburg Augsburg German, English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate
Universität Leipzig Leipzig German, English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
National University of Ireland – Maynooth Maynooth English All Faculties Undergraduate
University of Galway Galway English Law and Legal Studies Undergraduate
University of Limerick Limerick English All Faculties Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer-Sheva Hebrew, English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate


Institutions Location Language of Instruction Open to Level of Study
LUISS Guido Carli University Rome English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate
University of Trento Trento English Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences; Public and Global Affairs; Faculty of Science Undergraduate and Graduate



Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Aoyama Gakuin University Tokyo Japanese, English All Faculties Undergraduate
International University of Japan Niigata English Norman Paterson School of International Affairs Graduate
Kansai Gaidai University Osaka English All Faculties Undergraduate
Konan University Kobe English All Faculties Undergraduate
Kumamoto Gakuen University Kumamoto English All Faculties Undergraduate
Nanzan University Nagoya English All Faculties Undergraduate
Okayama University Okayama English Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences; Public and Global Affairs; Science Undergraduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Centro de Investigación Y Docencia Económicas, A.C. (CIDE) Mexico City Spanish, English Faculty of Public and Global Affairs Undergraduate and Graduate
Tec de Monterrey (ITESM) Various campuses throughout Mexico Spanish, English All Faculties Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
International University of Monaco Monaco English Sprott; Economics Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Rabat Business School Rabat English Sprott Undergraduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Erasmus School of Economics Rotterdam English Sprott; Economics Undergraduate
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication Rotterdam English All Faculties Undergraduate
Erasmus School of Law Rotterdam English Law and Legal Studies Undergraduate
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Rotterdam English All Faculties Undergraduate
Hogeschool Utrecht  Utrecht English Journalism and Communication Undergraduate
Radboud University Nijmegen English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam Dutch, English Sprott Undergraduate
Technishe Universiteit Delft Delft Dutch, English Industrial Design Undergraduate
University of Groningen Groningen English Sprott; Economics Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
University of Oslo
Oslo English Geography and Environmental Studies Undergraduate and Graduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Universidad del Pacifico Lima Spanish, English All Faculties Undergraduate
Universidad ESAN Lima Spanish, English Sprott Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
University of Warsaw Warsaw English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate
Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) Warsaw English Sprott; Economics Undergraduate (Sprott; Economics) and Graduate (Sprott)


South Africa

Institution Location Language of Instruction Open to Level of Study
University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate

South Korea

Institution Location Language of Instruction Open to Level of Study
Sookmyung Women`s University Seoul English Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences; Public and Global Affairs; Journalism and Communication Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF) Madrid Spanish, English Sprott Undergraduate
IE University Madrid and Segovia English Select Study Areas Undergraduate
Universidad Antonio de Nebrija Madrid Spanish All Faculties Undergraduate
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Madrid Spanish, English All Faculties Undergraduate
Universidad de Malaga Malaga Spanish, English All Faculties Undergraduate
Universidad Europea de Canarias Canary Island Spanish, English Sprott Undergraduate
Universidad Europea de Madrid Madrid Spanish, English Sprott; Architecture Undergraduate
Universidad Europea de Valencia Valencia Spanish, English Sprott Undergraduate
Universidad Pública de Navarra Pamplona Spanish, English Sprott Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Jönköping International Business School  Jönköping English Sprott; Economics Undergraduate and Graduate
Linköping University Linköping English Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences; Public and Global Affairs Undergraduate


Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Fribourg German, French, English Sprott; Economics Undergraduate
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) Winterthur German, English Sprott Undergraduate



Institution Location Language of Instruction Open to Level of Study
National Chengchi University Taipei English All Faculties Undergraduate and Graduate


UK: England

Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
De Montfort University Leicester English All Faculties Undergraduate
Lancaster University Lancaster English All Faculties, except Engineering and Design Undergraduate
Sheffield Hallam University  Sheffield English Criminology & Criminal Justice; Political Science; Sociology; Psychology; Industrial Design Undergraduate
University of Birmingham Birmingham English All Faculties Undergraduate
University of East Anglia Norwich English All Faculties Undergraduate
University of Exeter Exeter English All Faculties Undergraduate
University of Leeds Leeds English All Faculties, except Engineering and Design Undergraduate
University of Liverpool Liverpool English All Faculties Undergraduate
University of Nottingham Nottingham English Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences; Science; Engineering and Design; Public and Global Affairs (with the exception of Law) Undergraduate
University of Portsmouth Portsmouth English Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences; Public and Global Affairs Undergraduate

UK: Scotland

Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow English All Faculties Undergraduate
Robert Gordon University Aberdeen English Sprott Undergraduate
University of Edinburgh Edinburgh English All Faculties, except Engineering and Design Undergraduate
University of Stirling Stirling English All Faculties Undergraduate
University of Strathclyde Glasgow English Sprott Undergraduate

UK: Wales

Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Cardiff University Cardiff English Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences; Public and Global Affairs; Science Undergraduate
Swansea University
Swansea English All Faculties, except Engineering and Design Undergraduate

UK: Northern Ireland

Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Queen’s University Belfast Belfast English Geography and Environmental Studies Undergraduate

United States of America

Institution Location Language of Instruction
Open to Level of Study
Killam Fellowships Program 16 institutions English All Faculties Undergraduate

If you do not see an institution listed and you wish to study there, we invite you to explore a Letter of Permission through the Registrar’s Office. An approved Letter of Permission enables Carleton Degree or Certificate students to apply to study at any other accredited university.