Official Launch of the 50th Anniversary Campaign
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Photo credit: Troy Curtis
Professors Neil Sargent and Michael Mac Neil in conversationA tasty treat to mark the occasion!Alumna Khadija Ahmed and Programs Asst. Miriam Micael review the latest issue of the CU Journal of Legal StudiesSpecial guest, Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada, offers her best wishesChair Ron Saunders serves up anniversary cake and successA warm reunionOur 50th Anniversary cake!Carleton University Law & Legal Studies Society (CULLSS) presents the latest issue of the CU Journal of Legal StudiesAlumnus and co-founder of the original student law society, Lorey Miller, speaks with Prof Emeritus, Lynn CampbellProfessors Emeritus Paul Davidson and Rosemary Warskett catch up; Profs Sargent, McMahon, and Ozsu look on.CULLSS members Greg Cassidy and Jonathan Shubat, ready to greet our guestsProf. Jane Dickson, enjoying the speakers’ words of welcomeAdjunct Professor Barry Leighton chats with a studentProfessors Rueban Balasumbramanian and Vincent Kazmierski converse with President Roseann RunteAssociate Dean Hugh Shewell and Dean Andre Plourde smile for the camera
50th Anniversary Socio-Legal Symposium: Approaching ‘Justice’ Through Legal Studies
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Ready to take notes at the symposium panels!A look at the presentation topics in the symposium programmeChair Ron Saunders welcomes symposium attendeesProf. Vincent Kazmierski introduces the first panel‘Rethinking Justice in & Beyond Trials’ panelists, Rebecca Bromwich, Alexa Dodge, Dale Spencer, & Christiane WilkeProf. Wilke presents ‘Human Rights, Post-Conflict Justice & the Focus on ‘Impunity’‘The Role of Law in an Era of Reconciliation’ panelists, Sebastien Malette, Jane Dickson, and Trevor PurvisProf. Dickson presents ‘Indigenous Over-Incarceration, Gladue, and the Politics of Reconciliation…’Keynote Address by Executive Director of Oxfam Canada, Julie Delahanty (B.A. Law, ’92)Julie Delahanty poses with Chair Ron SaundersGuests reflect on the symposium at the receptionDiscussions continue at the symposium reception.
Culminating Celebratory Evening: “If I had Known” A Student-Alumni Mentoring Event
Thursday, October 12, 2017
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