1. Publications
  2. Media
  3. Team Members

The Working Group in Lebanon is lead by Maha Shuayb, Director of the Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS) at the Lebanese American University and Lead of LERRN’s Lebanon Working Group. Members of the Working Group include Al-Jana and Oxfam Lebanon.

The Lebanon Working Group has been leading innovative, partnered research on issues relating to education, youth engagement and employment, and the impact of COVID-19 on education in Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine. The group is developing a new research focus on the impact of discussions on repatriation on education planning.

LERRN’s partners in Lebanon have also been leading an initiative to critically examine the power relations inherent in partnered research and the development of a Code of Conduct to better guide equitable and ethical partnered research involving South-North partnerships and partnerships with community groups and refugees.



Team Members

