Turtles & Butterflies

October 11, 2024 at 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Location:Pigiarvik (ᐱᒋᐊᕐᕕᒃ)
Cost:$30.00 per scheduled date
Key Contact:Lifelong Learning Program
Contact Email:lifelonglearning@carleton.ca
Contact Phone:613-520-3699

A Peek Under the Surface: the Underwater Lives of Map Turtles & Butterfly Show.

Lecture description: In this engaging one-hour lecture, Dr. Gregory Bulté invites you to dive beneath the water’s surface to explore the hidden world of map turtles.  Dr Bulté has used a wide range of field techniques to document how map turtles interact with one another and how they survive the winter trapped under the ice. In his lecture, Dr Bulté will share images and insights about the little known underwater life of this captivating species.

Once the Lecture is complete, participants will be walked over to the Butterfly Exhibit for a 20 minute self guided experience with knowledgeable volunteers available to answer questions.

Please note: There is a maximum capacity in the butterfly exhibit. Depending on the number of registrations, participants may be divided into into two groups.  The second group will have a 20 minute wait and can remain in the classroom until the first group finished their tour of the exhibit. 

Lecturer bio: Dr. Gregory Bulté is an Associate Professor  (teaching stream) in the Department of Biology at Carleton University where he teaches courses about ecology, evolution, zoology, and field biology.  Dr Bulté is broadly interested in natural history but has a soft spot for amphibians and reptiles. Since 2003, he has been monitoring the northern map turtles of Opinicon Lake. His work has help document the ecology and behaviour of this species at risk, and identify threats to its survival.