A historian of disability, sexuality, and medicine, Dr. Christine Chisholm received her Ph.D. in History from Carleton University in 2019. Since then, Dr. Chisholm has taught as a Contract Instructor in the History Department with courses that focus on the histories of disability and sexuality. 

Dr. Chisholm’s academic research concentrates on the lived experiences of Canadians disabled as a result of the drug thalidomide. When not at work, Dr. Chisholm can be found playing with her young daughter or working with her horses.

Read what participants have enjoyed most about Dr. Chisholm’s Early Spring 2022 “(Not So) Hidden Desires: The History of Sexuality” lecture series (offered online):

  • Topics were interesting and Dr. Chisholm’s knowledge was wide-reaching. Excellent. Dr Chisholm used insight and sensitivity when presenting some very difficult material.
  • Very interesting material, interesting and lively presentation. I wondered if, given the fact that this could be a “hot” topic for some and one that sometimes excites very strong feelings in some quarters, the series might be a bit tendentious at times. Not at all – at all times, both the presentation itself and the answers to participants’ questions and comments were balanced, factual, interesting, and informative. I feel I learned a lot about many issues I knew very little about before the lecture. Excellent lecture series!
  • The instructor demonstrated knowledge of the lecture material, and enthusiasm in discussing it.
  • I really appreciated Dr Chisholm’s warmth and openness. Sometimes highly knowledgeable academics can come across as a bit distant, some maybe even very occasionally a tiny bit haughty. This was not at all the case with Dr Chisholm – her manner was always warm and human, now and then she shared little bits of personal information about her family or various experiences, all this brought her closer to the participants and made her feel more approachable. It did not at all undermine her obvious deep knowledge and the study and reflection she has devoted to her subject area. On the contrary, it was very refreshing that she didn’t feel she had to pretend. I hope it’s clear I mean this as a compliment and a very sincere one!