staff-jinnah.thumbMigration and Diaspora Studies is delighted to announce that Dr. Zaheera Jinnah will be visiting Carleton during December in order to explore teaching and research collaborations between the University of the Witwatsersrand and Carleton.

Dr. Jinnah is an anthropologist and researcher at the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS) at Wits, and is the joint coordinator of the Migrating for Work Research Consortium (an international research partnership investigating the forms and impacts of labour migration in South Africa).

Dr. Jinnah’s research interests include Somali migration, gender, and migrant labour and livelihoods, and she is currently working on a survey of mining communities to assess: livelihoods; health care needs and access; and migration. At Carleton, she will be working on a research project on artisanal and small-scale (ASM) mining that revolves around the following questions:

  • What political, social, economic and historical factors shape the emergence and persistence of small-scale artisanal mining in South Africa?
  • What is the relationship between ASM and health perceptions and outcomes in SA?
  • What is the prevalence of artisanal small-scale mining in SA and how is it linked to formal mining?
  • What are some of the labour(types of task, hours of work, wages, risks) characteristics  of ASM in SA? How does it relate to the literature on informal work?
  • What are the main health care needs in mining communities?
  • What is the level of health care services available in mining communities?
  • How do miners understand and respond to their well-being? What is their level of interaction with health care providers?