Julia Khodos – Secretary General

Julia is a recent graduate of the Masters of Arts in European, Russian, and Eurasian studies from Carleton University, focusing on Arctic Security policies. While Julia has previously participated in Model NATO for several years as a committee chair, she is looking forward to the her new role this year. Julia currently works at Public Services and Procurement Canada in the trade agreement unit within the policy sector. She is looking forward to meeting the delegates and watching the conference unfold.

Jared Gagne – Committee Chair: TBD

Jared Gagne is a second-year Master’s student at Carleton’s Political Science program studying political theory and international relations. His research interests include Liberal Political Thought, Canadian Politics, Canadian Foreign policy, 19th-century Politics and International Relations. Jared comes from North Bay, where he worked actively in academia, holding a director position at Nipissing’s student union alongside a position as undergraduate student senator on Nipissing’s Academic Senate. Jared looks forward to engaging with everyone at this year’s conference.

Cameron Cadogan – Committee Chair: TBD

Cameron (he/him) is a fifth year Honours Political Science CO-OP student at the University of Ottawa. Growing up in Toronto, Ontario, he learned about Model UN in high school, and continued to participate in university. Active since 2017, Model UN helped to develop his interest in politics and international affairs, along with greatly aiding the refinement of his public speaking abilities. Cameron has attended more than twenty-six conferences as a delegate and has chaired along with being a crisis staff. He is currently serving as the Under-Secretary General of Committees for Capital Model United Nations. He previously held the positions of Vice President of Delegate Coordination and Vice President of Training for the University of Ottawa Model United Nations Association. Cameron likes to go on walks, consume media relating to cars, play video games, and follow political news

Erica Joy Bergardo – Director of Special Projects

Erica-Joy Bergado is a first year MA Candidate at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, specializing in Security and Defense Policy. She holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences in International Development and Globalization from the University of Ottawa and most recently served as National Assistant Coordinator of the JET Programme Canada. Previous to this, she taught English on the JET Programme for 3 years, worked as a Nunavut Land and Resource Management Researcher for CIRNAC, worked for the L’Arche International Community for people with developmental disabilities, shadowed court cases and social work conferences for female domestic violence victims in the Philippines, and sometimes volunteers as an ESL Teacher for Canadian Newcomers. She looks forward to promoting this year’s Model NATO participants through social media.

Vladimir Gorodkov – Project Consultant

Vladimir is a 2nd year MA candidate at the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at Carleton University. His research focuses on international sanctions imposed upon Russian aggression against Ukraine. He is also interested in the topics of cybersecurity and AI. Vladimir came back to academia after a long and successful career in International marketing and event management. His academic background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Economy from the St. Petersburg State University, Russia, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Francis Obeso – Project Manager

Francis Obeso is a second year Master’s student at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University. Francis hails from Edmonton and completed a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Computer Science. Francis is passionate about technology and would like to undertake research that relates Political Science to technology. During his undergrad he served as the Model UN club’s Vice President of Finance. Last year, Francis was the Director of Crisis Management for Carleton Model NATO 2024. Francis is looking forward to applying these past experiences to this year’s Secretariat. Aside from academics, Francis likes to play a multitude of sports, including basketball, golf, and soccer. Francis is also currently doing his second co-op term at Employment and Social Development Canada.