Access to Local Food in Francophone Canada: Antiracist and decolonial perspectives. Co-written by Leslie Touré Kapo and Dina Husseini for Food Secure Canada. Publication date: 2021 [English]

Accès à l’alimentation locale au Canada francophone: Perspectives antiracistes et décoloniales. Co-written by Leslie Touré Kapo and Dina Husseini for Food Secure Canada. Publication date: 2021 [French]

Beyond food security: Understanding access to cultural food for urban Indigenous people in Winnipeg as Indigenous food sovereignty. Written by Jaime Cidro, Bamidele Adekunle, Evelyn Peters, and Tabitha Martens for the Canadian Journal of Urban Research. Publication date: 2015. 

Canadian professor says food banks are ‘sticking plaster on gaping wounds.’ Written by Elaine Power for the BBC. Publication date: 2012. 

Five big ideas for a better food system Written by Food Secure Canada. Publication date: 2017.

Food insecurity in Canada is the worst it’s ever been — here’s how we can solve it. Written by Valerie Tarasuk and Tim Li for PROOF University of Toronto. Publication date: 2023.

Food Security and Food Sovereignty: The Difference Between Surviving and Thriving Written by Tara Maudrie, Cassandra J. Nguyen, Rachel E. Wilbur, Megan Mucioki, Kaylee R. Clyma, Gary Ferguson, and Blue Bird. Publication date: 2023.

Household Food Insecurity in Canada, 2022. Written by Tim Li, Andrée-Anne Fafard St-Germain, and Valerie Tarasuk for PROOF University of Toronto. Publication date: 2023. [English]

Indigenous Food Sovereignty in Ontario: A Study of Exclusion at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs. Written by Tabitha Robin, Sarah Rotz, and Adrianne Xavier for the Yellowhead Institute. Publication date: 2023. 

La faim justifie des moyens. Written by Observatoire québécois des inégalités. Publication date: 2022.

L’insécurité Alimentaire des Ménages au Canada, 2022. Written by Tim Li, Andrée-Anne Fafard St-Germain, and Valerie Tarasuk for PROOF University of Toronto. Publication date: 2023. [French]

New data on household food insecurity in 2023. Written by PROOF University of Toronto. Publication date: 2024.

Our hands at work: Indigenous food sovereignty in Western Canada. Written by Tabitha Robin for the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Publication date: 2019.

Overview Of N.L. Vital Signs Report And Poverty Report Cards 2024. Written by Food First NL. Publication date: 2024.

Prevalence, Severity and Impact of Household Food Insecurity: A Serious Public Health Issue. Written by Elaine Power for Dietitians of Canada. Publication date: 2016.

Rethinking Food Charity: A Community Conversation. Written by Food First NL. Publication date: 2023.

School Food Programs in Canada: 15 Promising Cases. Written by Amberley Ruetz, Kaylee Michnik, Rachel Engler-Stringer, Natalia Alaniz Salinas, Emily Doyle, Sara Kirk, Dana Korten, Kirsti Tasala, Charles Levkoe, Alicia Martin, Genevieve Mercille, Amber Heckelman, Chrissy Smith, Kerry Renwick, Alissa Sallans, Sonja Ostertag, Kelly Skinner, Nina Trask, Nicole Weber, and Gary Hoyer for the University of Saskatchewan and Coalition for Healthy School Food. Publication date: 2024.

Should Canadian health promoters support a food stamp-style program to address food insecurity? Written by Elaine Power, Margaret Little, and Patricia Collins for the Health Promotion International Journal. Publication date: 2014. 

Taking a closer look at provincial and territorial budgets and what they could mean for food insecurity. Written by PROOF University of Toronto. Publication date: 2023.

Time and money – the biggest hurdles to healthy eating. Written by Tiff-Annie Kenny for the Conversation. Publication date: 2018. 

What is Food Sovereignty? Written by Food Secure Canada. Publication date: 2013.