- Articular cartilage-related
Moo, E. K.*, Al-Saffar, Y.*, Pingguan-Murphy, B., Matyas, J., Korhonen, R. K., Herzog, W. Dependence of crack shape in loaded articular cartilage on the collagenous structure. Connective Tissue Research (In Press)
Moo, E. K., Ebrahimi, M., Sibile, S. C., Tanska, P., Korhonen, R. K. The intrinsic quality of proteoglycans, but not collagen fibres, degrades in osteoarthritic cartilage. Acta Biomaterialia, 153: 178 – 189, doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2022.09.002
Sibole, S. C., Moo, E. K., Federico, S., Herzog, W. Dynamic deformation calculation of articular cartilage and cells using resonance-driven laser scanning microscopy. (2023) Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 145 (2): 021005
Orozco, G. A.; Karjalainen, K.; Moo, E. K.; Stenroth, L.; Tanska, P.; Rios, J. L.; Tuomainen, T. V.; Nissi, M. J.; Isaksson, H.; Herzog, W.; Korhonen, R. K. (2022) A Musculoskeletal Finite Element Model of Rat Knee Joint for Evaluating Cartilage Biomechanics during Gait. PLOS Computational Biology 18 (6): e1009398, doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009398.
Moo, E. K.*, Sibole, S. C.*, Federico, S., Herzog, W. (2022) The protective function of directed asymmetry in the pericellular matrix enveloping chondrocytes. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 50 (1): 39 – 55, doi: 10.1007/s10439-021-02900-1
Karjalainen, K., Tanska, P., Sibole, S. C., Mikkonen, S., Herzog, W., Korhonen, R. K., Moo, E. K. (2022) Effect of cells on spatial quantification of proteoglycans in articular cartilage. Connective Tissue Research: 1 – 12, doi: 10.1080/03008207.2022.2048827
Moo, E. K.*, Al-Saffar, Y.*, Le, T., Seerattan, R. A., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Korhonen, R. K., Herzog, W. (2021) Deformation behaviors and mechanical impairments of tissue cracks in immature and mature cartilages. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, doi: 10.1002/jor.25243
Abusara, Z., Haider, I., Moo, E. K., Miller, S., Timmermann, S., Herzog, W. (2021) Chondrocyte morphology as an indicator of collagen network integrity. Connective Tissue Research: 1–10, doi:10.1080/03008207.2021.1922398
Moo, E. K., Tanska, P., Federico, S., Al-Saffar, Y., Herzog, W., Korhonen, R. K. (2021) Collagen fibres determine the crack morphology in articular cartilage. Acta Biomaterialia 126: 301–314, doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2021.03.031
Moo, E. K.*, Sibole, S. C.*, Han, S. K., Herzog, W. (2017) Three-dimensional micro-scale strain mapping in living biological soft tissues. Acta Biomaterialia, 70: 260-269, doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2018.01.048
Moo, E. K., Herzog, W. (2017) Unfolding of membrane ruffles protects chondrocytes against death. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 35(2), 302-310, doi: 10.1002/jor.23260
Bourne, D., Moo, E. K., Herzog, W. (2015). Cartilage and chondrocyte response to extreme muscular loading and impact loading. Can in vivo pre-load decrease impact-induced cell death? Clinical Biomechanics, 30(6), 537-545, doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2015.04.009
Moo, E.K., Han, S.K., Federico, S., Sibole, S.C., Jinha, A., Abu Osman, N.A., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Herzog, W. (2014). Extracellular matrix integrity affects the mechanical behaviour of in-situ chondrocytes under compression. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(5), 1004-1013, doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.01.003
Moo, E.K., Amrein, M., Epstein, M., Duvall, M., Abu Osman, N.A., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Herzog, W. (2013). The properties of chondrocyte membrane reservoirs and their role in impact-induced cell death. Biophysical Journal, 105(7), 1590-1600, doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.08.035
Moo, E.K., Abusara, Z., Abu Osman, N.A., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Herzog, W. (2013). Dual photon excitation microscopy and image threshold segmentation in live cell imaging during compression testing. Journal of Biomechanics, 46(12), 2024-2031, doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2013.06.007
Moo, E. K., Herzog, W., Han, S. K., Abu Osman, N. A., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Federico, S. (2012). Mechanical behaviour of in-situ chondrocytes subjected to different loading rates: a finite element study. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 11(7), 983-93, doi: 10.1007/s10237-011-0367-2
Moo, E. K., Abu Osman, N. A., Pingguan-Murphy, B.(2011). The metabolic dynamics of cartilage explants over a long-term culture period, Clinics (Sao Paulo), 66 (8), 1431-36, doi: 10.1590/S1807-59322011000800021
- Skeletal muscle-related
Moo, E. K., Herzog, W. Sarcomere lengths become more uniform over time in intact muscle-tendon unit during isometric contractions. (2020) Frontiers in Physiology (Striated Muscle Physiology), 11:448, doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.00448
Moo, E. K., Leonard, T.R., Herzog, W. (2020) The sarcomere force-length relationship in an intact muscle-tendon unit. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223 (6): jeb215020, doi: 10.1242/jeb.215020
Moo, E. K.*, Johnston, J.*, Jinha, A., Herzog, W. (2019) On sarcomere length instability during isometric contractions before and after active stretching. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222 (22): jeb209924, doi: 10.1242/jeb.209924
Moo, E. K., Herzog, W. (2018) Single sarcomere contraction dynamics in a whole muscle. Scientific Reports, 8(1): 15235, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33658-7
Moo, E. K., Leonard, T. R., Herzog, W. (2017) In vivo sarcomere lengths become more non-uniform upon activation in intact whole muscle. Frontiers in Physiology (Striated Muscle Physiology), 8:1015, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.01015
Powers, K., Joumaa, V., Jinha, A., Moo, E. K., Smith, I. C., Nishikawa, K., Herzog, W. (2017) Titin force enhancement following active stretch of skinned skeletal muscle fibres. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220 (17), 3110-3118. doi: 10.1242/jeb.153502
Moo, E. K., Peterson, D. R., Leonard, T. R., Kaya, M., Herzog, W. (2017) In vivo muscle force and muscle power during near-maximal frog jumps. Plos One, 12(3), doi: e0173415, 10.1371/journal.pone.0173415
Moo, E.K., Fortuna, R., Sibole S.C., Abusara, Z., Herzog, W. (2016) In vivo sarcomere lengths and sarcomere elongations are not uniform across an intact muscle. Frontiers in Physiology (Striated Muscle Physiology), 7:187, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00187
- Other themes
Moo, E. K., Abu Osman, N. A., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Wan Abas, W. A. B., Spence, W. D., Solomonidis, S. E. (2009). Interface pressure profile analysis for patellar tendon-bearing socket and hydrostatic socket. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics / Wrocław University of Technology, 11(4), 37-43.
* Co-first author who contributed equally to the project
[updated on Jan 26, 2023]
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