Accommodating students with disabilities at Carleton University is a responsibility shared among the various partners in the accommodation process: the students themselves, the Paul Menton Centre (PMC),  course instructors, Scheduling and Examination Services (SES), and Carleton University Online (CUOL).

Responsibilities of Students:

The students must identify their accommodation needs to the PMC staff. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with a Coordinator at the Paul Menton Centre early in each term, as soon as they obtain course outlines. Early identification is particularly important for those students who require sign language interpreters, in-class notetakers, course material in alternative format, or adaptive technology equipment. Please refer to relevant timelines for specific information.

Students are also encouraged to speak directly with their Instructors and Teaching Assistants about their academic accommodation requirements early each term. Discussion with Instructors and Teaching Assistants should ideally take place after students have met with their PMC Coordinator and their Letter of Accommodation has been emailed to both the student and the Instructor. It is recommended that students consult their PMC Coordinator if uncertain about how to effectively disclose and/or discuss their accommodation needs with their instructors and/or TA’s.

Additional Student Responsibilities

In addition to identifying accommodation needs to the Paul Menton Centre and the course instructors early in each term, students are encouraged to take the following initiatives:

  • Provide the PMC with relevant documentation concerning your disability.
  • Actively search for information about facilities and services available at Carleton.
  • Contact and inform Instructors and Teaching Assistants of any accommodation needs at the beginning of each term, including examination and classroom accommodation requirements.
  • Maintain contact throughout the term with the PMC, particularly if you require help or when problems arise.
  • Keep your PMC Coordinator informed of any changes related to your disability and/or courses. If you drop courses for which exam accommodations have been arranged, please inform your PMC Coordinator.
  • Contact the PMC if you need to cancel or reschedule a meeting with your Coordinator.
  • Make service requests with sufficient notice (2-3 weeks may be necessary for some requests, while only a few days will be required for others). Be sure you understand the time-frames for implementing specific service requests by familiarizing yourself with the timelines established by the PMC and the University.