1. Test and Exam Accommodations
    1. In-class tests
    2. CUOL mid-term exams
    3. Formally scheduled exams
  2. PMC-Specific Bursaries
  3. Returning Adaptive Equipment
  4. Alternate Format Transcription Services
  5. Sign Language Interpretation

Test and Exam Accommodations

In-class tests

Submit request for accommodation to PMC at least two weeks before the first in-class scheduled test, midterm, or exam.

CUOL mid-term exams

Submit request for accommodation to PMC at least two weeks before the 1st CUOL midterm exam.

Formally scheduled exams

Submit request for accommodation to PMC by the deadlines listed on the Registrar’s Dates and Deadlines webpage.

PMC-Specific Bursaries

  • May 31, 2020: Dr. John Davis Burton Award
  • August 31, 2020: Making a Difference Award
  • August 31, 2020: Thomas Sorensen Memorial Scholarship
  • August 31, 2020: Walker Wood Award
  • October 15, 2020: John Teuscher Memorial Scholarship

Returning Adaptive Equipment

The maximum borrowing period for adaptive equipment is one term. Please return or renew borrowed adaptive equipment to the PMC after the end of each term.

Alternate Format Transcription Services

Recommended minimum of six weeks notice to a PMC coordinator prior to the beginning of classes to ensure timely arrival of text in alternate format.

Sign Language Interpretation

Recommended minimum of 4 weeks notice to the PMC before the beginning of course.