Comparative Political Economy Database (CPEDB)
Explore Key Data Across Countries and Variables
The Comparative Political Economy Database (CPEDB) provides comprehensive annual data across a wide range of topics, including:
- Demography
- Family/Household
- Class/Labour
- Government and Electoral Democracy
- Inequality (Economic, Political, and Gender)
- Health
- Environment
- Internet
- Macro-Economic and Financial Variables
In its current form, the database includes 727 variables from 12 countries:
- Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Data Coverage and Sources
Most of CPEDB’s data spans from the 1960s–1980s up to 2019–2022. The variables are derived from a wide array of authoritative databases, including:
- OECD (Statistics and Family Databases)
- World Bank
- ILO (International Labour Organization)
- IMF (International Monetary Fund)
- WHO (World Health Organization)
- WIID (World Income Inequality Database)
- OWID (Our World in Data)
- Parlgov (Parliaments and Governments Database)
- V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy)
Using the CPEDB for Research
To help you get started, Dr. D.W. Livingstone and Wally Seccombe have prepared a curated presentation. This video tutorial includes:
- A walkthrough of accessing and navigating the database.
- Insights from select charts covering a slice of the CPEDB’s rich data.
- A Q&A session addressing common queries.