The Urban Imaginaries Lab, School of Industrial Design, Carleton University invites applicants for a Postdoctoral Researcher to the development of strategic directions for the theme Housing Alternatives of the project ‘A Safe and Affordable Place to Call Home’ ( ). The latter is a multi-disciplinary longitudinal outcomes analysis of the national housing strategy that is receiving funding from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

The preferred start date is February 2025, with a duration of 12 months – with the possibility of extension.

The Postdoctoral Researcher will implement a research program that aims at designing strategies for neighbourhood configurations and (related) plans for implementation able to address barriers to socio-environmental and economic vulnerabilities experienced by marginalized groups, which will open space for alternatives to a situation of hidden homelessness. It will do this through an evidence-based intersectional understanding of the housing crisis and related issues and participatory design processes. More specifically, this will happen through a design approach grounded in Data Humanism and Participatory Design. The design approach and activities should enable an intersectional understanding of specific manifestations of hidden homelessness and their contributing factors while 1) supporting affected individuals and local front-line organisations in devising ways to address them, 2) addressing dynamics of stigma through promoting a renewed collective awareness of the root causes, and 3) generating care and related collective action towards it.

Implementing the program includes: exploring and defining project collaborations with existing and potential community partners; setting up and implementing specific research activities (e.g., workshops, semi-structured interviews, focus groups) aimed at the generation of the above-mentioned strategies and ways to implement them together with project partners; generating and experimenting ideas for the implementation of the above-described design approach. Community engagement and knowledge mobilization will be at the core of any activity designed and implemented.

The Postdoctoral Research will also be expected to contribute to the writing of an academic paper, a report on the research activities conducted and a grant proposal to support future research.

The work might be supported by one Master student, and by the faculty member, working as a team.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Design or related areas and must be committed to excellence in research.

An interest in contributing to addressing the housing crises, expertise in Participatory Design and Graphic Design, the ability to guide and supervise the use of a variety of methodological approaches are assets, as well as hands-on experience in fieldwork and design activities.

The position is full-time at an annual gross salary of $65,000, with the additional ability to opt into an extended health and dental benefit plan. The postdoc will be considered unionized and will be a member of PSAC Local 77000. Information on this bargaining unit can be found here:

Although the work can be hybrid, some time on the Carleton University campus is expected. The preferred start is as soon as possible in 2025 (to be negotiated).

Please email a CV, a statement of fit/interest and names of three references to Professor Chiara Del Gaudio with Housing Alternatives in the subject line. Review of applications will begin on January 15, 2025, and continue until the position is filled.

Summary of Position Duties and Responsibilities

The incumbent of this position will, under the direction of Dr. Del Gaudio, be responsible for leading the research activities of the project, including but not limited to the following core responsibilities:

  • Project coordination;
  • Research activities and instrument design and making;
  • Coordinate the generation, collection and management of data collected through co-produced efforts with research and community partners;
  • Qualitative data analysis;
  • Report, paper and grant writing;
  • Organize and lead activities with external stakeholders for feedback and validation of project outcomes;
  • Participate in project meetings and support collaborations across project team.


Required and Valuable Skills & Experience

  • Preferences will be given to candidates with strong qualitative skills and a proven publication record in one or more of the following areas: design, community-based research, and research-creation;
  • Experience in conducting qualitative research activities such as workshop coordination and administration, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, etc.;
  • Graphic Design and visualization skills;
  • Hands-on experience completing field research studies and experience working with communities, participatory design and generative research methods;
  • Experience setting up collaborations with community partners;
  • Candidates are also expected to show evidence of a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and promote a respectful and collegial learning and working environment demonstrated through the application materials;
  • Successful candidates are expected to be highly motivated, have strong communication skills in oral and written English, and work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team;
  • Familiarity with arts-based and other less conventional research output is desirable but not a requirement.

Accommodations and Accessibility:

Should you require a copy of this posting in an alternate format please contact us as soon as possible and we would be happy to send one in a timely manner. We believe in the importance of supporting on the-job success for the incumbent and are pleased to discuss and/or provide specific tools, resources, or other requirements for day-to-day work requirements, as needed.