When the world starts spinning out of control, feeling lost and afraid is a natural reaction.

When the touchstones on which we typically rely for reassurance are no longer solid, it’s tough to know where to turn.

But for a quartet of Psychology and Neuroscience researchers at Carleton University, the COVID-19 pandemic is a critical reminder there are things we can do to navigate through challenges and uncertainty and find the capacity to face whatever comes next.

Psychology professors Marina MilyavskayaTim Pychyl and John Zelenski and Neuroscience Prof. Kim Hellemans are known for their work on goal setting, procrastination, happiness and mental health, respectively.

While they all acknowledge that individual circumstances can differ dramatically and that there is no “correct” way to respond to a crisis, a set of practices and strategies can help us cope, manage stress and find firm footing on the path forward.

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