June 15 to 18 is Appreciation Week at Carleton, and we want to hear from you! Healthy Workplace is always looking for new ways to support faculty and staff well-being, and we want to hear your responses to the following question: What ideas or suggestions do you have for activities, events or programming that Healthy Workplace could offer to support your well-being while working remotely? For example, social events, workshops, information sessions, etc.

Ideas@Carleton is your forum to share and collaborate on ideas, so we encourage you to login and share your thoughts on this question. All you need to do is login to the Carleton Faculty-Staff Intranet, click on the Ideas@Carleton tab on the left-hand navigation bar, and enter your idea in the dialogue box. It’s that easy!

Your feedback is important to us. Though we are unable to physically get together at this time, we encourage you to consider new and innovative ways for us to provide opportunities to come together as a community.