Are you a student who has arranged to undertake a paid work placement or an unpaid work placement that is NOT required as part of a course or program? If yes, it is important that you fill out one of the forms below to qualify for the Carleton’s workplace insurance.

Step 1: The student is required to fill out the Unpaid Work Placement form or the Paid Work Placement/Misc form in order to obtain coverage.

Step 2: The student must send the completed form (i.e. digital or hard copy) by interoffice mail to the Office of Risk Management, 503 Robertson Hall or no later than Oct. 15 (fall term), Feb. 15 (winter term) and June 15 (summer term).

Step 3: Prior to the paid/miscellaneous placement, the employer must fill out the Letter to Placement Employer form.

Step 4: The student should obtain health and safety training from their placement employer.

Step 5: Questions regarding the form or work placements that would qualify for this insurance coverage should be directed to the Office of Risk Management at

Please note: This insurance coverage is subject to policy conditions and exclusions.

Please report any health and safety concerns related to unpaid work placements to your departmental coordinator/administrator and to the Office of Risk Management at