Terms of Reference

The Senate Quality Assurance and Planning Committee (SQAPC) is responsible for the application of the Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP), and for reviewing, recommending and reporting to Senate on planning respecting academic matters pursuant to Section 22 of the Carleton University Act.


The Senate Quality Assurance and Planning Committee shall effect the implementation of the IQAP including but not limited to:

  1. New program approvals and the expedited approval process;
  2. Major modification process; and
  3. Cyclical program reviews;

Through its discussions on new programs, cyclical program reviews and major modifications to individual programs, SQAPC is able to identify academic matters that have general academic impact. As such, SQAPC will regularly disseminate their findings to other relevant Carleton committees, as appropriate.

SQAPC is additionally charged with reviewing academic structures, including Faculties, Schools, Colleges, Departments and Institutes that offer academic programs.


SQAPC (through its Chair) shall refer and recommend to Senate new program approvals, major modifications to existing programs, and cyclical program reviews; SQAPC (through its Chair) shall report to Senate on the progress of implementation plans arising from cyclical program reviews.

SQAPC will also consider and make recommendations to Senate on the establishment and structuring of Faculties, Departments, Schools, Colleges and Institutes that offer academic programs.


SQAPC is constituted as follows:

  1. Vice-Provost (AVPA), Chair (non-voting);
  2. Assistant Vice-President (Academic), Vice Chair (non-voting);
  3. Associate Dean, Programs, Faculty of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Affairs (ex-officio) (voting);
  4. Nine (9) Faculty members, broadly representative of the five line-faculties. At least 50% must
    be current or past Senators (voting);
  5. Two (2) students (one graduate and one undergraduate) (voting);
  6. CUASA Observer (non-voting);
  7. The University Librarian or delegate (non-voting)
  8. Calendar Editor (resource) (non-voting)
  9. SCCASP Chair or delegate (resource) (non-voting)
  10. Office of Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) Subject Matter Experts (resource) (non-voting)

In constituting SQAPC, care will be taken to ensure that the majority of faculty members are individuals with established and continuing research records and/or experience in the administration of graduate or undergraduate programs.

SQAPC is constituted following Senate procedures and its membership is ratified by Carleton University’s Senate. Membership is normally a three year term.

Quorum and Voting

Quorum is 50% of the current voting membership. Voting is by majority vote, with the Chair being non-voting except to break any ties.

Meetings and Workload

The committee meets twice monthly for approximately 1.5 hours. The main workload for the committee consists of reviewing and assessing quality assurance documentation for reporting to Senate.


These terms of reference shall be reviewed every 7 years, at minimum.

Document Origin Date: February 14, 2020