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The Department of Equity Services is available to assist all Carleton Community members (students, professional staff and faculty) to navigate the Formal Complaint Process, should they choose to file a complaint.

The Director of Student Affairs (or designate) is responsible for receiving (in writing) formal complaints of sexual violence related to students. The Director of Employee and Labour Relations (or designate) is responsible for receiving formal complaints related to all other groups. In the case where the Respondent is both a student and an employee, the complaint may be submitted to either of these two parties but will be jointly received. Only a person who reports experiencing sexual violence (the “Complainant”) can choose to file a formal complaint under the Sexual Violence Policy.

The Formal Complaints Process is outlined in Section 9 of the Sexual Violence Policy.

“A formal complaint must set out in writing the name of the Respondent, the nature and the details of the circumstances, including detailed facts, specific dates and names of potential witnesses. The person receiving the formal complaint will acknowledge receipt, review it and if necessary, seek clarification from the Complainant on the information it contains.”

Formal Complaints can be directed to:


Contact the Director of Student Affairs, Shannon Clarke

Faculty and Staff

Contact the Director of Employee Relations, Labour Relations, and Compliance, Robert Monti