When: Thursday, October 3rd, 2024
Time: 3:00 pm — 4:00 pm
Location:Richcraft Hall, 4308
Audience:Current Students

After insurrectionists attacked the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, many debated Donald Trump’s culpability for inciting the riot. Here in Ottawa, the criminal trials of Freedom Convoy organizers Chris Barber, Tamara Lich, and Pat King have also turned, in part, on whether or not people are responsible for what others do in response to their social media posts. These issues aren’t new – media’s influence on the democratic process is one of the original research questions in communication studies – but they have taken on renewed urgency in a political environment that is both increasingly polarized and hyperconnected.

Graduate and senior undergraduate students in COMS are invited to join 2024 Attallah Lecturer Joan Donovan (Journalism and Emerging Media Studies, Boston University) for a conversation about youth, media, and the social web. Workshop participants will be asked to read Prof. Donovan’s recent column in the Conversation in advance. Space is limited.

Attallah Workshop 2024
