Photo of Lisk, Shelby

Shelby Lisk

TVO Journalist in Residence



    Shelby Lisk is a journalist with TVO’s Indigenous Hub, a TVO initiative operating out of Carleton. 
    From Kenhté:ke (Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory), Lisk completed her bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, with a minor in Gender Studies at the University of Ottawa (2015) and a diploma in Photojournalism at Loyalist College (2019). She is currently completing a certificate in Mohawk Language and Culture through Queen’s University and Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na (2020). 
    She is the recipient of a Governor General’s History award in Indigenous Arts and Stories (Historica Canada 2018), the News Photographer’s Association of Canada student multimedia award (NPAC, 2018), best “short short” in TVO’s short doc contest (TVO, 2019) and the Emerging Indigenous Reporter Scholarship from JHR (Journalists for Human Rights, 2017).