SSW General Practicum Information

The Carleton University School of Social Work would like to thank the social work faculties, departments and schools who are members of the Association of University and Colleges of Canada and accredited by the CASWE-ACFTS Commission on Accreditation for sharing their field materials and providing input into important policies and protocols related to field education.

The BSW and MSW programs at Carleton University are  accredited programs of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education-Association canadienne pour la formation en travail social (CASWE-ACFTS), and operates according to the standards and requirements of the Association.

As stated in the CASWE-ACFTS Educational Policies & Accreditation Standards (EPAS) 2021:

Field Education is a critical and distinctive aspect of social work education and takes place in the context of field education practicums. The purpose of field education is to integrate theory and practice, enabling students to further develop, refine, and enhance the values, knowledge, and skills reflective of the core learning objectives identified in Accreditation Standard 3.4.5.

More information on the CASWE-ACFTS Accreditation Standards is available at:

Contact Information for the Practicum Courses

Jaime Lenet
Interim MSW Practicum Coordinator

Emi Koyanagi
BSW Practicum Coordinator

Megan Stansel
Practicum Administrator
Telephone: 613-520-2600 ext. 1826

Allison Everett
MSW Practicum Coordinator
(On sabbatical Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2024)

Communication with Students

All policies and procedures related to the Practicum courses outlined and those communicated by other means (e.g., Carleton email, School of Social Work website, Field Education bulletin board) are in place to manage the efforts of the field team to place all students expeditiously.

Carleton University requires that all students activate and maintain a Carleton central email account. This email account is the official means by which students receive communications from the University.  Students are expected to check this account on a consistent and regular basis and to manage space limitations to ensure they receive all messages and information issued to them by the University. The University requires that any official or formal electronic communications from students be sent from their official Carleton email. Thus, students are expected to use their Carleton email address in all communication with the field team and with field placement agencies.

The School sends important information about the Practicum courses to students via their Carleton email (e.g., information about Practicum course deadlines, workshop and activity dates, and issues related to arranging and finalizing field placements). Certain communications may be time-critical and students have the responsibility to respond to emails within particular time periods (i.e., within one week of receiving correspondence regarding the placement process from the Field Coordinator and/or potential placement agencies). As such, it is important that students check their Carleton email regularly, even after securing a placement. Students can access the Carleton email once they have activated their “My Carleton One” account.

Students are responsible for contacting Carleton’s Information Technology Services (ITS) if they experience problems with their Carleton email account. ITS website:

Glossary of Terms

During the process of applying and completing your practicums, there are a variety of terms that are used and have a specific meaning. Below is a list of these terms and meanings.

Roles and responsibilities of each member of the Field Team

Each person who is part of the Field Team is responsible for a variety of tasks. The list below is an overview of the expectations of each role.