
Students 2025

  • Student Information

  • School emails do not accept our emails! Please use a personal email if possible!
  • Will you have access to a laptop or computer to participate in the Technovation workshops? (evenings and weekends)

  • Parent & Guardian Information

  • By printing my name below, I confirm that I have read the details of this program and will support my daughter’s participation.

    I hereby release Virtual Ventures, Carleton University, Technovation, and its respective officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims, actions and expenses which may result from or be in any way related to my child’s participation in this program.
  • I agree to allow Virtual Ventures and Technovation under Carleton University and Actua, the National organization to which Virtual Ventures is a member, to photograph, audio record, video record, podcast and/or webcast my Child (digitally or otherwise) without charge; and to allow Virtual Ventures, Technovation, Carleton University and Actua to copy, modify and distribute in print and online, those images that include my child in whatever appropriate way either of Virtual Ventures, Technovation, Carleton University and/or Actua sees fit without having to seek further approval. No names will be used in association with any images or recordings.