Posts sorted by Workshops & Conferences

Web Wednesday Recap - cuTheme Demo and Update
If you were unable to attend the recent Web Wednesday event, no worries we have got you covered ... For…

Web Wednesday Recap - Crafting a Winning Instagram Pilot
If you were unable to attend our most recent Web Wednesday event, no worries. We've written a recap of the…

Web Wednesday Recap - Agile
We held our second Web Wednesday on April 12. If you missed this recent workshop on Agile, don't worry -…

Web Wednesday Recap - Top Navigation
If you missed our workshop on top navigation, don't fret - we are here for you! Today I'll be recapping…

Web Services presence at WordCamp Montreal
Web developers from Carleton’s Web Services, Troy Chaplin and Mike Corkum, will give presentations at WordCamp Montreal on June 29…

The power of social media: WordCamp San Francisco
In August I had the exciting opportunity to speak at the WordPress annual world conference: WordCamp San Francisco. The best…
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