We are currently conducting a research project (i.e., knowledge of number integration; ethics clearance number #104425) on children’s math and cognitive skills. Specifically, we are interested in how children learn the connections between concrete quantities (e.g., *** or three bowls or five fingers) and abstract numbers (i.e., spoken number words, written words, or written digits).

Who can participate? If your child is going to enter Grade 1, Grade 2, or Grade 3 in the fall (5- to 8-year-olds) and speaks English.

 Where? The study can be take place at one of the following:

What are the tasks? We will visit you and your child for about 30 minutes. Children will be asked to play fun games with a researcher that measures their understanding of numbers and cognitive skills on an iPad or using paper-and-pencil (e.g., Can you find where number 30 goes on this number line? Or can you touch the “black” button when you hear the word “white?”).

Meantime, we will kindly ask you complete three short arithmetic measures and a brief parent questionnaire (less than 20 minutes).

How long? 30 minutes.

Compensation? You will be given a $10 gift card and your child will be given stickers and a participation award certificate at the end of the session. After the research is complete we will send you a summary report of our findings and also offer you some tips on how to support your child’s mathematical development.

Results? Reports stemming from this research can be shared with interested parents without disclosing individuals’ performance. If you would like to have your child participate, please contact me at number.integration@gmail.com or chang_xu@carleton.ca by sending a short message!