Truda Rosenberg, survivor

Truda Rosenberg is a Polish born psychologist who continuously works towards educating and informing the public about the horrors of the Holocaust. She was nineteen years old when Nazis invaded her small hometown. Her family was forced to live in a ghetto, where there was no food, no running water, no heat and so little space that people had to sleep in shifts. Despite the terrible conditions she took action and fled the ghetto. Assuming a new identity, she encountered many complications and problems before the war ended. Her faith has always been an important part of her life and her mother’s encouragement for her to stay close to her religion despite antisemitism and hatred towards Jews has played a significant role in his life. When Truda is asked what she attributes her survival to, she answers without hesitation: “I knew who I was. This kept me fighting for life and survival as a human being with the celebration of life that I was taught, with a love of people and a love of life. This, to me, is survival.”