Suggested Resources:  A Conference Bibliography


Bloxham, Donald and Dirk Moses. The Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies (New York, Oxford University Press, 2010).

Chalk, Frank and Kurt Jonassohn. The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1990).

Gellately, Robert and Ben Kiernan. The Spector of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003).

Jonassohn, Kurt and Karin Solveig Björnson. Genocide and Gross Human Rights Violations in Comparative Perspective (New Brunswick and London, Transaction Publishers, 1998).

Moses, Dirk (ed). Genocide and Settler Society: Frontier Violence and Stolen Indigenous Children in Australian History (New York, Berghahn Books, 2004).

Moses, Dirk and Dan Stone (eds). Colonialism and Genocide (London, Routledge, 2007).

Weitz, Eric. A Century of Genocide: Utopias of Race and Nation (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2003).

History of the Holocaust

Bauer, Yehuda.  Rethinking the Holocaust (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2001).

Bergen, Doris. War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust (Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2003).

Browning, Christopher. Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (New York, Harper Perennial, 1998)

Friedlaender, Saul. Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945. The Years of Extermination (New York, Harper Perennial, 2007).

Grabowski, Jan. Je le connais, c’est un Juif: Varsovie 1939-1943, Le Chantage contre les Juifs (éditions Calmann-Lévy, Paris, 2008).

Gross, Jan, Neighbours: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2002).

Grossmann, Atina. Jews, Germans and Allies: Close Encounters in Occupied Germany (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2007).

Hillberg, Raul. Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders (New York, Harper Collins, 1992).

Lower, Wendy. Nazi Empire-Building and the Holocaust in Ukraine (Chapel Hill, University of North Carlonia Press, 2005).

Snyder, Timothy. Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin (London: Bodley Head, 2010).

Sofsky, Wolfgang. The Order of Terror: The Concentration Camp (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1996).

Stargardt, Nicholas. Witnesses of War: Children’s Lives Under the Nazis (London, Pimlico, 2005).

Sociology of the Holocaust

Bauman, Zygmunt. Modernity and the Holocaust (Cambridge: Polity, 1989).

Gerson, Judith M. and Diane Wolf (eds).  Sociology Confronts the Holocaust: Memories and Identities in Jewish Diasporas (Durham: Duke University Press, 2007).

Jacobs, Janet.  Memorializing the Holocaust: Gender, Genocide and Collective Memory (London: I.B. Tauris, 2010).

Memory and the Holocaust 

Baumel, Judith Tydor and Tova Cohen (eds). Gender, Place and Memory in the Modern Jewish Experience: Re-placing Ourselves (London, Vallentine Mitchell, 2003).

Cesarani, David and Eric J. Sundquist (eds). After the Holocaust: challenging the myth of silence (New York, Routledge, 2012).

Desbois, Patrick. Holocaust by Bullets: A Priest’s Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).

Dorland, Michael. Cadaverland: Inventing a Pathology of Catastrophe for Holocaust Survival: The Limits of Medical Knowledge and Memory in France (Waltham: Brandeis University Press, 2009).

Horowitz, Sara. Voicing the Void. Muteness and Memory in Holocaust Fiction (New York, State University of New York Press, 1997).

Jacobs, Janet Liebman, Memorializing the Holocaust: Gender, Genocide, & Collective Memory (London, I.B. Tauris, 2010).

Kaufman, Debra. From the Protocols of Zion to Holocaust Denial Trials: Challenging the Media, the Law and the Academy (Vallentine Mitchell: London, England and Portland, Oregon 2007).

Levy, Daniel and Natan Sznaider. The Holocaust and Memory in the Global Age (Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 2005).

Meng, Michael. Shattered Spaces: Encountering Jewish Ruins in Postwar Germany and Poland (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2011).

Rosenfeld, Gavriel David. Building after Auschwitz: Jewish Architecture and the Memory of the Holocaust (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2011).

Rabinowitz, Dorothy. New Lives: Survivors of the Holocaust Living in America (New York, Knopf, 1976).

Survivor Testimony

Brenner, Rachel Feldhay, Writing as Resistance: Four Women Confronting the Holocaust (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997).

Brostoff, Anita and Sheila Chamovitz. Flares of Memory: Stories of Childhood during the Holocaust (London: Oxford University Press, 2002).

Frank, Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl (New York, Double Day, 1995).

Gray, Martin. For Those I Loved (Boston, Little Brown, 1972).

Hillesum, Etty. Etty Hillesum: An Interrupted Life the Diaries, 1941-1943 and Letters from Westerbork (New York, Picador, 1996).

Kaplan, Chaim.  A Scroll of Agony: The Warsaw Diary of Chaim A. Kaplan (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1999)

Kluger, Ruth. Still Alive: A Holocaust Childhood Remembered (New York : Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2001).

Levi, Primo. Survival in Auschwitz (New York, Collier, 1971).

Spiegelman, Art. Maus: A Survivors Tail (New York, Pantheon Books, 1997).

Wiesel, Elie. Night (New York: Hill and Wang, 2006).


Becker, Jurek. Bronstein’s Children (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999).

Becker, Jurek. Jacob the Liar (New York, Plume, 1997).

Brett, Lily. Too Many Men (New York, Harper Collins, 2001).

Fallada, Hans. Every Man Dies Alone (Brooklyn, Melville House, 2010).

Foer, Jonathan Safran.  Everything Is Illuminated (New York, Houghton Mifflin, 2002).

Kraus, Nicole. The History of Love (W.W. Norton, 2006).

Levi, Primo. If Not Now, When? (New York, Summit Books, 1985).

Nemirovsky, Irene. Suite Francaise (New York, Vintage, 2007).

Schlink, Bernhard. The Reader (New York, Vintage 1997).

Uris, Leon. Mila 18 (Garden City, Doubleday, 1961).

Jewish Identity and History

Gilman, Sander and Milton Shain (eds). Jewries at the Frontier: Accommodation, Identity, Conflict (Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1999).

Gilman, Sander. The Jew’s Body (New York, Routledge, 1991).

Kaplan, Marion A. Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi Germany (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998).

Kaufman, Debra. Rachel’s Daughters: Newly Orthodox Jewish Women, Rutgers University Press, 1991.

Van Rahden, Till. Jews and Other Germans. Civil Society, Religious Diversity, and Urban Politics in Breslau, 1860-1925 (Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2008).

Slezkine, Yuri. The Jewish Century (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2004).

Stanislawski, Michael.  Zionism and the Fin de Siecle: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism from Nordau to Jabotinsky (2001).

Stanislawski, Michael. Autobiographical Jews: Essays in Jewish Self-Fashioning (Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2004).

Stratton, Jon. Coming out Jewish: constructing ambivalent identities (London, Routledge, 2000).

Yerulshalmi, Yosef Hayim. Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory (Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1982).

History of Canada and the Holocaust

Abella, Irving and Harold Troper.  None is too many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948 (Toronto, Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1982).

Bialystok, Franklin. Delayed Impact: The Holocaust and the Canadian Jewish Community (Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000).

Davies, Alan and Marilyn F. Nefsky.  How Silent were the Churches?: Canadian Protestantism and the Jewish Plight during the Nazi Era (Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1997).

Genizi, Haim. The Holocaust, Israel, and Canadian Protestant Churches (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002).

Klein, Ruth L (ed). Nazi Germany, Canadian Responses: Confronting Antisemitism in the Shadow of War (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012).

Mintz, Alan. Popular Culture and the Shaping of Holocaust Memory in America (Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2001)

Shandler, Jeffrey. While America Watches: Televising the Holocaust (New York, Oxford University Press, 1999).

Jewish Life in Canada

Azrieli, David J. Rekindling the Torch: The Story of Canadian Zionism (Toronto, Key Porter Books, 2008).

Margolis, Rebecca. Jewish Roots, Canadian Soil: Yiddish Culture in Montreal, 1905-45 (Kingston-Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011).

Robinson, Ira. Rabbis and their Community: Studies in the Eastern European Orthodox rabbinate in Montreal, 1896-1930 (Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 2007).

Stingel, Janine. Social Discredit: Anti-Semitism, Social Credit and the Jewish Response (Montreal-Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000).

Lipinsky, Jack. Imposing Their Will: An Organizational History of Jewish Toronto, 1933-1948 Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011).

Medresh, Israël. Montreal of Yesterday : Jewish life in Montreal, 1900-1920 (Montréal, Véhicule Press, 2000).

Canada, Human Rights, Intervention and Peacekeeping

Dallaire, Romeo. Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda (Cambridge, De Capo Press, 2005).

Hart, Michael.  From Pride to Influence: Towards a New Canadian Foreign Policy (Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2008).

Hillmer, Norman and J.L. Granatstein.  Empire to Umpire: Canada and the World to the 1990s (Toronto, Copp Clark Longman, 1994).

Klassen Jerome and Greg Albo (eds). Empire’s Ally: Canada and the war in Afghanistan (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2012).

Razack, Sherene. Dark Threats and White Knights: The Somalia Affair, Peacekeeping and the New Imperialism (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2004).

Tomlin, Brian, Norman Hillmer and Fen Hampson. Canada’s International Policies: Agendas, Alternatives, and Politics (Toronto, Oxford University Press, 2008).


Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem (London, Penguin Books, 2006).

Carr, Steven. Hollywood and Anti-Semitism: A Cultural History up to World War II (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2001).

Dinnerstein, Leonard. Antisemitism in America (New York, Oxford University Press, 1994).

Harrison, Bernard. The Resurgence of Anti-Semitism: Jews, Israel and Liberal Opinion (Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006).

Koonz, Claudia. The Nazi Conscience (Cambridge, Belknap Press, 2003).

Lindemann, Albert and Richard Levy (eds). Antisemitism: A History (Oxford University Press, 2010).

Nicosia, Francis. Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008).

Walser Smith, Helmut. The Butcher’s Tale: Murder and Anti-Semitism in a German Town (2002).

Wistrich, Robert. A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad (New York, Random House, 2010).

Azrieli Series Of Holocaust Survivor Memoirs.

Sermer, Zusana. Survival Kit (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2012)

Abrams, Judy and Eva Marx. Tenuous Threads Judy Abrams/One of the Lucky Ones (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2011)

Bornstein, Max. If Home is Not Here (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2011)

Opatowski, Felix. Gatehouse to Hell (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2011)

Rich, Betty. Little Girl Lost (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2011)

Domanski, Marian. Traqué (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2011)

Mann, Fred.  Un terrible revers de fortune (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2011)

Tomasov, Agnes. De génération en génération (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2011)

Voticky, Anka. Frapper à toutes les portes (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2011)

Domanski, Marian. Fleeing from the Hunter (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2010)

Sterner, Willie. The Shadows Behind Me (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2010)

Tomasov, Agnes.  From Generation to Generation (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2010)

Voticky, Anka. Knocking on Every Door (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2010)

Szedlecki, Ann. L’Album de ma vie (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2010)

Levin, Alex. Étoile jaune, étoile rouge (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2010)

Krakauer, Renate and William Tannenzapf. Mémoires de l’abîme/Le Bonheur de l’innocence (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2010)

Levin, Alex. Under the Yellow & Red Stars (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009)

Mann, Fred. A Drastic Turn of Destiny (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009)

Rips, Paul-Henri. E/96: Fate Undecided (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009)

Szedlecki, Ann. Album of my Life (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009)

Krakauer, Renate and William Tannenzapf. Memories from the Abyss/But I had a Happy Childhood (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009)

Dick, Tommy. Objectif : survivre

Freund, John. La Fin du printemps (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009)

Rips, Paul-Henri. Matricule E/96 (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009)

Dick, Tommy. Getting Out Alive (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009)

Freund, John. Spring’s End (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009) 

Reinhartz, Henia. Bits and Pieces (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009) 

Shtibel, Adam and Rachel Shtibel The Violin by /A Child’s Testimony (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009) 

Quddus, Marguerite Elias. Cachée (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009) 

Reinhartz, Henia. Fragments de ma vie

Shtibel, Adam and Rachel Shtibel. Le Violon by /Témoignage d’un enfant (Toronto, Azrieli Foundation, 2009)

Thanks to Jane Freeland for compiling this selected bibliography