- Build additional opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset across campus
- Expand collaboration and development opportunities for faculty, staff and students
Build additional opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset across campus
- Implement strategies for innovation and commercialization consistent with the provincial intellectual property strategy
- Expand First-year Seminar offerings that deal with problem-based interdisciplinary topics
- Provide leadership in university-wide collaborative initiatives, such as CU@Kanata, holistic integrated partnerships, the Global Talent Initiative, City-University Observatory, and the Innovation Hub
Expand collaboration and development opportunities for faculty, staff and students
- Provide a variety of professional development opportunities and communities of practice to support instructors and teaching assistants regarding pedagogy, collaboration, and community-engaged teaching and research
- Use the Vice-Presidents’ Academic and Research Committee (VPARC) as an avenue through which academic and research initiatives can be endorsed and prioritized at the Vice-Presidential level in order to establish Innovation Project Teams that would mobilize and operationalize innovative initiatives in close collaboration with all relevant divisions and units on campus