Mohammad Shams
M.A.Sc. Candidate
Degrees: | B.Eng. (Carleton) |
Email: | mohammadshams@cmail.carleton.ca |
Website: | Project Description |
LinkedIn: | Connect |
In the spring of 2020, Mohammad Amin Shams received his bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering with High Distinction designation from Carleton University. At the beginning of May 2020, he joined the Aircraft-Pilot-Coupling (APC) project team, working as a research assistant alongside Dr. Fidel Khouli at Carleton University. His great interest in the project eventually led him to pursue a MASc in Aerospace Engineering, where he continues working on the APC project under the supervision of Dr. Khouli. Mohammad has been a recipient of numerous honours and awards, including two NSERC USRAs. His general interests in mathematics, modelling, and simulation have helped him gain significant experiences in the area of applied dynamics through his contributions to various research projects. His noteworthy contributions include the development of the Atlas motion platform dynamic model for the Carleton University Simulator Project (CUSP), as well as the implementation of a robust and reliable parameter identification process for use in Carleton University’s Applied Dynamics Laboratory (ADL).
Supervisor: Dr. Fidel Khouli