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Before admission to the Attendant Services Program students must:

a) Meet with representatives of the Program to discuss the nature and extent of services required. This is often done a year in advance of arrival.

b) Gain academic admission to Carleton University or Algonquin College.

c) Accept residence accommodation with the Department of Housing and Residence Life Services at Carleton University or with Campus Living at Algonquin College.

d) Provide documentation to the Program that attests to the student’s ability to live on campus with the assistance of the Attendant Services Program.

e) Receive approval from the Health and Counselling Services at Carleton University.

f) Sign a Service Agreement with the Program.

g) Coordinate funding for the Attendant Services Program (out of province students only).

  • Please select the “Agree” button to confirm your understanding and continue the application process.