Photo of Melissa Salmon

Melissa Salmon

Ph.D. Student


2016 – 2022 Ph.D. Psychology, Carleton University
2014 – 2016 M.A. Psychology, Carleton University
2008 – 2013 B.A. Honours Psychology, Carleton University

Research Interests

Melissa Salmon is a former PhD student in Psychology under Dr. Michael Wohl’s supervision at Carleton University. Her research interests focus on addiction and the self. Specifically, she is interested in understanding how perceptions of the past and future self can promote positive behaviour change among people engaging in disordered gambling and other addictive behaviours.

In addition to her research, Melissa is involved in knowledge translation activities with the Gambling Research Exchange and Training Hub at Carleton University. Her knowledge translation activities include meeting with treatment providers across Ontario to determine what needs are not being met in treatment, and how her research on behavioural change with disordered gamblers can help to inform current practice.

Selected Publications

Wohl, M. J., Kim, H. S., Salmon, M., Santesso, D., Wildschut, T., & Sedikides, C. (2018). Discontinuity-induced nostalgia improves the odds of a self-reported quit attempt among people living with addiction. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology75, 83-94.

Kim, H. S., Wohl, M. J. A., Salmon, M. M., & Santesso, D. (2017). When do gamblers help themselves? Self-discontinuity increases self-directed change over time. Addictive Behaviors, 64, 148-153.

Kim, H. S., Salmon, M. M., Wohl, M. J. A., & Young, M. M. (2016). A dangerous cocktail: Alcohol consumption increases suicidal ideations among problem gamblers in the general population. Addictive Behaviors, 55, 50-55.

Salmon, M. M., Wohl, M. J. A., Sztainert, T., & Kim, H. S. (2015). Potential clinical applications of responsible gambling tools. Canadian Journal of Addiction, 6(2), 72-77.

Selected Conference Presentations

Salmon, M. M., Kim, H. S., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2018, March). Self-discontinuity (via nostalgic reverie for the pre-addicted self) promotes behavior change among disordered gamblers with malleable mindsets. Poster to be presented at the 2018 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.

Salmon, M. M., Wohl, M. J. A., Kim, H. S., Santesso, D., Wildschut, T., & Sedikides, C. (2017,April). Looking back to move forward: Self-discontinuity (via nostalgia) motivates attempts to change among disordered gamblers. Poster presented at the 2017 Discovery Conference, Toronto, Ontario.

Salmon, M. M., Kim, H. S., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2016, June). Optimism undermines the positive influence nostalgic revere for the pre-addicted self has on readiness to change. Poster presented at the 16th International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Salmon, M. M., Wohl, M. J., Kim, H. S., & Davis, C. G. (2015, June). A cocktail for change: Nostalgic revere for the pre-addicted self and self-efficacy interact to predict readiness to change among problem drinkers. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association, 76th Annual Convention, Ottawa, Ontario.

Notable Awards

2017 Certificate in Academic Excellence, Canadian Psychological Association
2016-2019 Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
2016 University Medal for Outstanding Graduate Work, Carleton University
2016 Scientist Knowledge Translation Training Certificate, SickKids Learning Institute
2015 Joseph Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
2014-2016 Knowledge Translation and Exchange Student Fellowship, Gambling Research Exchange Ontario