Terry O’Reilly has been in advertising for a long time, but is perhaps best known for his award-winning CBC Radio show, Under The Influence, which covers the wide world of marketing and its effects on society. He was brought to Carleton to give a free presentation to students, staff and faculty by Campus Services.

Naturally, his presentation focused on the power of storytelling, and was peppered with anecdotes from his years in the advertising business. One of Terry’s greatest assets is his ability to enthrall an audience with stories of his successes – and failures – in the advertising world.

Terry’s presentation was just over an hour, after which he accepted a number of questions from the audience.

Presentation Overview

The company with the best story wins.

This presentation is about the power of Storytelling. The smartest, most effective marketers in the world use storytelling to persuade. We are all hard-wired to love stories, and every product and service has a compelling story to tell. This talk helps your audience understand how to build stories and gives them the tools to start using storytelling in their own businesses. This presentation includes:

  • How storytelling can add immediate value to your product/service.
  • How to harvest stories from your company/organization and your customers.
  • How storytelling can communicate intangible qualities like trust, confidence and security.
  • How stories can launch new products and maintain mature brands.
  • How storytelling creates intense customer loyalty.
  • Why the best storytellers are the best listeners.
  • Why storytelling is one of the most cost-effective strategies in marketing.

This presentation also includes powerful examples of Canadian and international marketing campaigns that used storytelling in surprising and enormously effective ways.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 in
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