This Year’s Priorities:

Your gift through Carleton University is more than a donation. It helps advance teaching and learning, community action and research on campus—enhancing resources for Carleton students and researchers so that they can enact positive social change. As always, we invite you to visit to browse through Carleton-led initiatives that are meaningful to you.

Want to direct your gift to an initiative with broad reach and impact? Below are some of the funds that you can support that are making a difference on campus, and in the communities we serve. You may also contact Bethany Goral, Annual Giving Officer, to discuss other giving opportunities.

CIE-ESP Student Mentorship Program:

The Enriched Support Program (ESP) in Carleton’s Centre for Initiatives in Education (CIE) helps students from non-traditional learning backgrounds transition to postsecondary education —enabling them to begin university while bridging to degree admission. The CIE-ESP Mentorship Program pairs students who have completed the program with current ESP students to provide peer support and guidance, share experience and program resources, and create a sense of community. Program mentors and mentees benefit from positive, reciprocal relationships and increased feelings of inclusion, wellbeing and accomplishment.

By giving through the CIE-ESP Student Mentorship Program, you help equip students with the skills and confidence they need to succeed, while also instilling a sense of purpose and the value of giving back that they will carry with them long after they graduate. Watch this video to learn more about what donations mean for the CIE-ESP Mentorship Program and donate to the fund here

MacOdrum Library Collections Fund:

The Collections Fund for the MacOdrum Library supports the acquisition of up-to-date and relevant resources and materials. Top-tier library collections are central to supporting formal teaching, learning and research. They can also be a vital part of a student’s pursuits to discover and better understand the subjects that deeply inspire them—the things that will drive them in their careers for years to come.

Donations to this fund help enhance resources such as primary source databases, multidisciplinary journal archives, and Oxford Bibliographies. Watch this video to learn more about what donations mean for the Collections Fund for the MacOdrum Library and donate to the fund here

Students as Partners Program (SaPP):

The Student as Partners Program (SaPP) provides funding for undergraduate students to partner with instructors, librarians and teaching support staff on course design projects.

Through this experience, students develop meaningful relationships, build long-lasting professional networks, and hone their transferrable skills. And, as they contribute to the teaching and learning environment at Carleton, they get a taste for how it feels to make a positive difference in their community— fueling their passion and confidence as they take on new challenges. Watch this video to learn more about what donations mean for the SaPP and donate to the program here

Wellness Desk:

Through a collaboration between the Office of the Associate Vice President Student Health and Wellness and the MacOdrum Library, the Wellness Desk has been established on the main floor of Carleton’s library. The purpose of the space is to provide highly accessible mental health and wellbeing support and resources to students in a safe, familiar and central location. Not only does the Wellness Desk allow more students to access the supports they need—which may in turn alleviate some of the pressures on community mental health services —its prominence puts wellness on display and contributes to our shared efforts to destigmatize mental health challenges.

Your investment through the Wellness Desk will support a critical yet often overlooked factor in student success— mental health and wellbeing. Watch this video to learn more about what donations mean for the Wellness Desk and donate to the Desk here