The Northern Nomad has been gaining traction over the past weeks in terms of construction progress and publicity. With its central location on campus, the work site gains a lot of attention from passersby. Many stop to watch us work and ask questions, ranging from Carleton professors and staff to students and parents, young and old. It is amazing to see how interest can be generated and how word can spread simply because we are able to build the house on campus, which is why we are very grateful to Carleton University for lending us our workspace by the Architecture Building.

Word has spread even past campus borders. Several news outlets have expressed interest in covering our story. For the past several weeks since the first nail was hammered, reporters and camera crews have shown up to interview our team and to snap some shots. It is exciting to see the Northern Nomad grace headlines and even more exciting to see the increased traffic it has generated. Since our first story this week, several have stopped by to tell us they saw our story on the news. Despite our initial nerves in front of the camera, we are very thankful to have so much public attention and interest in our project!

Here is a link to the CBC article written about the Northern Nomad:

– Brigitte