“The Real Exchange Rate in the Long Run: Balassa-Samuelson Effects Reconsidered” (with Michael D. Bordo, Giorgio Fazio and Ronald MacDonald), 2017, Journal of International Money and Finance, 75 (July), 69–92. link

“Is Foreign Technological Advance Harmful in the Melitz Model?” (with Antonio Marasco), 2017, Open Economy Review, 28 (February), 149–166. link

“A Tale of Two Countries and Two Booms, Canada and the United States in the 1920s and the 2000s” (with Lawrence L. Schembri), 2015, in Owen F. Humpage (ed.), Current Federal Reserve Policy Under the Lens of Economic History: Essays to Commemorate the Federal Reserve System’s Centennial (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press). link

“The Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Import and Export Prices: The Role of Nominal Rigidities and Currency Choice” (with Dalia Hakura), 2015, Journal of International Money and Finance, 51 (March), 1-25. link

“Productivity, Commodity Prices and the Real Exchange Rate: The Long-Run Behavior of the Canada-US Exchange Rate” (with Lawrence L. Schembri), 2014, International Review of Economics and Finance, 29 (January), 537-551. link

“Heterogeneous Productivity and the Gains from Trade and FDI” (with Antonio Marasco), 2013, Open Economies Review, 24, 339-360. link

“Trade Liberalization, Macroeconomic Adjustment, and Welfare: How Costly Are Nominal Rigidities?” (with Hamid Faruqee and Stephen Tokarick), 2011, IMF Economic Review, 59 (August), 455-487. link

“Productivity, the Terms of Trade and the Real Exchange Rate: Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis Revisited” (with Lawrence L. Schembri), 2010, Review of International Economics, 18 (November), 924-936. link

“A Dynamic Model of Shirking and Unemployment: Private Saving, Public Debt and Optimal Taxation” (with Richard Brecher and Zhiqi Chen), 2010, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 34, 1392-1402. link

“Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Domestic Prices: Does the Inflationary Environment Matter?” (with Dalia S. Hakura), 2006, Journal of International Money and Finance, 25 (June), 614-639. link

“Monetary Policy in a Small Emerging Economy: Exploring Desirable Interest Rate Rules”, 2006, State Bank of Pakistan Research Bulletin, 2 (Number 1). link

“Real Exchange Rates in Developing Countries: Are Balassa-Samuelson Effects Present?” (with Mohsin Khan), 2005, International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, 52 (December), 387-409. link

“Dynamic Stability in a Two-Country Model of Optimal Growth and International Trade” (with Richard A. Brecher and Zhiqi Chen), 2005, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29, 583-594. link

“Explaining the Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Different Prices” (with Hamid Faruqee and Dalia S. Hakura), 2005, Journal of International Economics, 65 (March), 349-374. link

“Absolute and Comparative Advantage, Reconsidered: The Pattern of International Trade With Optimal Saving” (with Zhiqi Chen and Richard A. Brecher), 2002, Review of International Economics, 10 (November), 645-656. link

“Unemployment and Growth in the Long Run: An Efficiency-Wage Model with Optimal Savings” (with Zhiqi Chen and Richard A. Brecher), 2002, International Economic Review, 43 (August), 875-894. link

“Productivity Performance and International Competitiveness: An Old Test Reconsidered” (with Lawrence L. Schembri), 2002, Canadian Journal of Economics, 35 (May), 341-362. link

“Was Expansionary Monetary Policy Feasible During the Great Contraction? An Examination of the Gold Standard Constraint” (with Michael D. Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz)”, 2002, Explorations in Economic History, 47 (January), 1-28. link

“International Trade and Productivity Growth: Exploring the Sectoral Effects for Developing Countries” (with Dalia S. Hakura), 2002, International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, 47 (No.1), 30-53. link

“The Exchange rate and Consumer Prices in Pakistan: Is Rupee Devaluation Inflationary?” (with Mohsin S. Khan), 2002, Pakistan Development Review, 41 (Summer), 107-120. link

“Productivity Growth and International Competitiveness: The Experience of Canada and the Implications for India” (with Lawrence L. Schembri), 1997, in Sunder Magun (ed.), Trade, Innovation and Industrial Performance: India-Canada Linkages (Ottawa, Canada: Centre for Trade Policy and Law). link

“International Spillovers of Knowledge and Sectoral Productivity Growth: Some Evidence for Canada and the United States” (with Richard A. Brecher and Lawrence L. Schembri), 1996, Journal of International Economics, 40 (May), 299-321. link

“Liberalizing Multinational Investment: The Stolper-Samuelson Question Revisited” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1996, in Robert C. Feenstra, Gene M. Grossman, and Douglas A. Irwin (eds.), The Political Economy of Trade Policy: Papers in Honor of Jagdish Bhagwati (Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press). link

“Capital Controls: Rationale and Implications for Canadian Trade and Investment Policy” (with Prakash Sharma), 1996, Policy Paper SP77A (Ottawa: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade), November. link

“Could Stable Money Have Averted the Great Contraction?” (with Michael D. Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz), 1995, Economic Inquiry, 33 (July), 484-505. link

“Pareto Gains From Trade, Reconsidered: Compensating for Jobs Lost” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1994, Journal of International Economics, 36, 223-38. link

“Some Empirical Support for the Heckscher-Ohlin Model of Production” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1993, Canadian Journal of Economics, 26 (May), 272-85. link

“The Pattern of Trade Between Canada and South Asia: Change or Continuity?” (with Nanda K. Choudhry ), 1991, in Nanda K. Choudhry (ed.), Canada and South Asian Development: Trade and Aid (Leiden, The Netherlands: E. J. Brill). link

“Money Stock Targeting, Base Drift and Price-Level Predictability: Lessons from the U.K. Experience” (with Michael D. Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz), 1990, Journal of Monetary Economics, 25, 253-72. link

“Gains from International Factor Movements Without Lump-Sum Compensation: Taxation by Location Versus Nationality” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1990, Canadian Journal of Economics, 23 (February), 44-59. link

“The Factor Content of Consumption in Canada and the United States: A Two-Country Test of the Heckscher-Ohlin Model” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1988, in Robert Feenstra (ed.), Empirical Methods for International Trade (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press). link

“International Migration Versus Foreign Investment in the Presence of Unemployment” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1987, Journal of International Economics, 23, 329-42. link

“The Behavior of Money Stock Under Interest Rate Control: Some Evidence for Canada” (with Michael D. Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz), 1987, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 19 (May), 181-97. link

“Wage and Price Contracts in a Macro Model with Information Costs” (with J. Stephen Ferris), 1985, Canadian Journal of Economics, 18 (November), 766-83. link

“New Products and the Factor Content of International Trade” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1984, Journal of Political Economy, 92 (October), 965-71. link

“Price Flexibility and the Law of One Price” (with Michael D. Bordo), 1984, Studies in Economic Analysis, 8 (Spring), 25-50. link

“The Transmission of Inflation in a Small Economy: An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of U.S. Monetary Disturbances on Canadian Inflation, 1962-80”, 1983, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2 (August), 167-78. link

“The Factor Content of International Trade Without Factor-Price Equalization” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1982, Journal of International Economics, 12, 277-83. link

“Leontief Paradox, Continued” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1982, Journal of Political Economy, 90 (August), 820-23. link

“Currency Substitution and the Demand for Money: Some Evidence for Canada” (with Michael D. Bordo), 1982, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 14 (February), 48-57. link

“Immiserizing Investment from Abroad: The Singer-Prebisch Thesis Reconsidered” (with Richard A. Brecher), 1982, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 97 (February), 181-190. link

“The Relationship Between Money and Prices in an Open Economy: The Canadian Evidence” (with Michael D. Bordo), 1982, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 64 (August/September), 13-23. link

“The Exchange Rate and the International Transmission of Business Cycle Disturbances” (with Levis A. Kochin), 1980, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 12 (November), 65-74. link

“The Pattern of Trade in Individual Products: A Test of Simple Theories”, 1979, Welfwirtschaftlisches Archiv, 115 (March), 81-98. link