Who Should Apply?

An existing technology start-up, that is women-led or has at least one woman in a key senior decision-making position, that already has validation from their home market and is ready to scale their company. The company must exhibit a strong desire to access global markets through a well-thought-out scale-up strategy.

What Are The Requirements To Apply?

Your start-up must be based in Canada, with a preference for Southern Ontario. There must be at least one woman in a senior decision-making role (i.e. COO, CEO, CFO) within the company who will act as the CIAP Cohort participant. Although, there are specific requirements, please contact us if you have any questions, as we may have other opportunities to help your business grow.

Do You Accept Companies From All Industries?

We accept companies from any industry as long as your company utilizes/leverages technology and has the potential, and desire, to expand to India. With our expertise, we will be able to determine if this program will be beneficial to you. Companies that fit into the below descriptions are highly desirable as members of our cohort: Clean Technology, Health and Bio-Sciences, Agri-Food, Digital Industries, Advanced Manufacturing, Resources of the Future, Tourism

How Long Does The Entire Admissions Process Take?

Once you complete the online application, we will be in contact with you to discuss your business in further detail to initially determine if CIAP is a good fit for your company’s current road map.

Once the applications have closed, our CIAP board will determine the finalists for the cohort. Applicants will receive notice of their acceptance/rejection.

How Do I Apply Online?

We have an online application process that must be fully completed with accurate information in order to be considered, here.

Can I Apply If I'm Not A Canadian Resident?

It is a requirement that you are a legal resident of Canada to qualify for our program with a legally registered Canadian corporation.

How Will CIAP Benefit Me?

The Canada-India Acceleration Program (CIAP) helps Canadian, women-led businesses, scale into untapped markets. We do this by providing access to mentorship from global entrepreneurs and industry leaders, 200+ incubators, valuable resources and toolkits, meaningful connections to corporations, and the opportunity for potential seed funding.

What Is Expected Of Me While In The Program?

CIAP is a government-funded initiative, aiming to empower women leaders in entrepreneurship and increase the opportunities and resources available – All we ask for is your time!

During our ScaleCamp, we ask that you’re actively involved in all of the lessons, workshops, and events. We find this is an important element for collaboration and growth purposes, as it helps each member gain more knowledge and expertise for them to apply to their businesses directly. To take advantage of all we have to offer, being present during the ScaleCamp is fundamental to our success as a program, and to your success as a business.

After the ScaleCamp, our Cohort will be expected to make their individual Exploration Missions in India. Over a six-month period, they can achieve the following:

  • Have vital meetings with key experts and potential partners
  • Explore sales channels and opportunities while on the ground
  • Have access to mentorship with market experts

What Is The Duration Of The Program?

The program officially occurs over a six-month period. This is split up between an initial training phase, followed by exploration missions and follow-ups.

Though our program officially runs from our ScaleCamp kickoff through to the end of the opportunity for investment phase – CIAP believes that once you’re a part of the program, you’ve joined a community. We are always looking for ways help our companies, new types of resources we provide, and connections we can make. After the program’s year end, you will have continued access to resources we provide.

What Is The Structure Of The Program

The program has three distinct phases: (1) Training Phase (ScaleCamp), (2) “Soft-Landing” Phase and (3) Investment Phase.

1) ScaleCamp: During the first phase, start-ups are required to attend a one-week training program that brings together experts from both countries to provide education and practical approaches on topics such as:

  • Market opportunities and challenges
  • Rules and regulations for various sectors
  • Potential “go to market” strategies
  • Cultural and consumer behaviour

2) “Soft-Landing” Phase: An On-the-Ground Exploration Mission. Once start-ups have successfully completed the first phase, they will go to India for a soft-landing opportunity. They will have access to fully-functional office spaces, 200+ incubators across India, our on-the-ground experts and connections, and assistance in setting up meetings with key players. Our collaborators, a team of experts in India, will help companies choose the right market and soft-landing placement(s). The following services are offered during this phase:

  • Customer linkages
  • Beta prototype testing
  • Office Space
  • Incubators
  • Mentoring
  • Corporate connections

Due to the current COVID-19 travel restrictions, the Soft-Landing Phase will include virtual introductions to relevant connections while in-person visits are on hold. The in-person visits will be facilitated when global restrictions allow.

3) Investment Phase: Post the “soft-landing” phase, participating companies will be eligible to pitch for seed equity funding to a CIAP-approved investor panel.

What is ScaleCamp?

ScaleCamp is an intensive bootcamp-style workshop that challenges your business ideas, identify areas of improvement, while providing a toolkit for sustainable growth in emerging markets. In collaboration with industry experts, we provide you with the tools and knowledge to scale your business, and ability to work alongside and build a tight-knit community of female entrepreneurs.