At Carleton’s latest convocation, a graduating student from the Institute won a Senate Medal for an Outstanding Academic Achievement and at the convocation in June, an ICS graduate won the Chancellor’s Medal.  They are the latest in a growing list of outstanding graduates from the B.A. program. Senate medals are awarded to the top 3% of the graduating class for each degree. The Chancellor’s Medal goes to the individual student with the highest academic standing.

musca-greyChancellor’s Medal – Jeanne-Marie Musca, currently working on her Master’s in Philosophy at Tufts, won this medal at the June convocation.  Her comments about the program from Carleton Now (June edition):

“Winning this medal is, of course, an honour, but it is not mine alone. Without the people around me, I would never have been able to achieve what I did. Carleton University is a vibrant community where we are constantly challenging each other’s ideas, sharing funny moments, lending a helping hand and pushing each other to grow and excel. I am constantly inspired by the work of my peers in all fields and their involvement in various areas of the Carleton community beyond academics. I have had wonderful professors who always have an open door and a listening ear and I have always been amazed by the extent to which staff at Carleton are willing to go to help students. I feel incredibly privileged to have been a part of this community. Beyond the classroom, I have benefitted from the great intramurals program and the multitude of events on campus, such as the Farmer’s Market and Darwin Week.”

velianVelian Pandeliev, currently working on a Master’s in Computer Science at the University of Toronto, won a Senate Medal for his work as a B.A. student in Cognitive Science (Cognition and Computational Stream). Velian completed his honours thesis with Dr. Chris Herdman on aviation simulation.