On Friday June 24 at 2:00 p.m., the first graduates of the Bachelor of Cognitive Science degree will receive their diplomas.  The B.Cog.Sc. is a new designation for the degree (formerly a B.A.) which better captures the interdisciplinary nature of Cognitive Science.  Eleven students will graduate from the program at this convocation. 


This is a special convocation for the program for another reason.  Stephen Jones will receive a Governor General’s Medal for his outstanding academic achievement.  Steve had a 12.0 GPA in his four years at Carleton.  He will also receive the very first Medal for the B.Cog.Sc. program. Steve’s specialization was in Cognition and Psychology.  Steve will be pursing a Master of Clinical Science degree in audiology at Western University in the fall.


Picture at:  http://carletonnow.carleton.ca/june-2013/six-graduates-with-perfect-grades-win-governor-generals-medals/


But there is more!  Four other students will receive Senate Medals for their outstanding academic records:  Kensi Dickinson, Leah MacQuarrie, Tomasz Grodzinski, and Michelle Sappong. 


We also congratulate the three students who are receiving their Ph.D. degrees:  David Leibovitz, Crystal Blais (Villeneuve), and Sarra Ghazel.    One student will receive a Master of Cognitive Science degrees – Tabish Ismail. 


The faculty and staff of the Institute extend their congratulations to our excellent students.