Please join Dr. Olessia Jouravlev this Wednesday, November 22nd from 3pm-4:30pm in Dunton Tower 2203 for the following talk:

Title: Searching for brain-based markers of autism

Abstract: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder which is highly prevalent in the population. The current gold standard of autism diagnosis is Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). The reliability and validity of ADOS have been questioned (e.g., Sappok et al., 2013).

One of the widely-discussed issues with this diagnostic instrument is its high subjectivity.  Finding more objective ways to establish ASD diagnosis is an important research goal that ASD research community is trying to reach. In this talk, I will tell you about several ongoing fMRI, EEG/ERP, and behavioral studies that are being conducted in my lab with the goal of identifying brain-based markers of autism.

**Olessia Jouravlev is a principal investigator of Language and Social Cognition Lab in the Institute of Cognitive Science at Carleton University. In our lab, we relate human linguistic and social behavior to brain responses in order to understand neurocognitive mechanisms of language/communication in neurotypical individuals and individuals with language/communication disorders.

We hope to see you there!