Nalini Ramlakhan successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation on Monday, December 19th, 2016. Her title: ” Emotion and morality: Determining whether empathy and other emotions are important for morality”. Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus Andrew Brook supervised the dissertation. The external examiner was Prof. Dan McArthur (York) and the other members of the Examining Board were Prof. Peter Watson (Physics), Prof. David Matheson (Philosophy), and Prof. John Logan (Cognitive Science and Psychology). The defense was chaired by Professor Emeritus Iain Wallace (Geography and Environmental Studies). The dissertation has two main parts: A extended critique of the many theorists who have claimed that empathy is in one way or another very closely linked to making positive moral decisions and a review of the extensive literature that links other emotions to positive moral decision-making, including fear, disgust, and anger. The members of the Board viewed Ramlakhan’s work very favourably and the defense turned into a seminar on her work, in which she acquitted herself with clarity, economy, and humour.